Of the 11 larvae that I am rearing from last year´s breeding (not many in comparison, I know!), three went immediately terrestrial and are doing well on paper towels with moss and broken terracotta pot, fed on whiteworms, springtails and other bits and bobs, but the others seem to want to remain aquatic. They occasionally come onto the cork bark, but show no signs of becoming terrestrial. I made the misktake of putting two of the animals that had crawled onto the cork bark into a terrerstrial set up; one died and the other recovered after going back into the aquatic tannk. At least with mine, they don´t do well being moved until the skin has gone completely hydrophobic.
I have them in a ´large´exo'terra standard faunarium, which is a solid mass of java and willow moss, with a small piece of cork bark that barely breaks the surface. The temperature is very constant, with an air temp of 17C diurnally and 15C nocturnally.
How are your group doing, Tudor?