Excuse me for jumping into the discussion so suddenly and from nowhere.
I do not know what experiences you guys have dealing with original descriptions and type material. I have been working with some 20 species (fossil species) with original descriptions in Russian for many of them.
My experience with Russian scientific material is that the descriptions in words many time is useless and that you really have to rely on good pictures or drawings if you are not to go where the types are kept and study them directly. The text is not accurate enough, but a combination with drawings makes you understand what is meant.
The same should be the case for Chinese and Japanese material I am afraid.
My supervisor has had a lot of those problems. Actually three out of four professors at the apartment have studied Chinese and Russian languages just to be able to read the original texts themselves!
This is a major problem for the disciplines dealing with zoological problems. Often the material is not described in any other language either. Since it is the only description of a certain animal it unfortunately can not be neglected either. The same was the case for French scientists and German too, some decades ago. Now the young generation always let new material get published in international journals too, most often in English. So that it is available for everyone.
I have even tried to get palaeontologists from Russia to translate the material for me, but unfortunately the terminology is different for different animals. And even though they where palaeontologists I could not make any clear sense of it. Only when they knew the area I could use the translations.
I suppose the same goes for the translations in Thorns splendid book. It actually could be a misunderstanding.
I suppose Angus Lee could be right in his arguments and that he deserves a little nicer treatment.
Who is conducting the DNA-studies and where?
A humble
Mattias Muller
I do not know what experiences you guys have dealing with original descriptions and type material. I have been working with some 20 species (fossil species) with original descriptions in Russian for many of them.
My experience with Russian scientific material is that the descriptions in words many time is useless and that you really have to rely on good pictures or drawings if you are not to go where the types are kept and study them directly. The text is not accurate enough, but a combination with drawings makes you understand what is meant.
The same should be the case for Chinese and Japanese material I am afraid.
My supervisor has had a lot of those problems. Actually three out of four professors at the apartment have studied Chinese and Russian languages just to be able to read the original texts themselves!
This is a major problem for the disciplines dealing with zoological problems. Often the material is not described in any other language either. Since it is the only description of a certain animal it unfortunately can not be neglected either. The same was the case for French scientists and German too, some decades ago. Now the young generation always let new material get published in international journals too, most often in English. So that it is available for everyone.
I have even tried to get palaeontologists from Russia to translate the material for me, but unfortunately the terminology is different for different animals. And even though they where palaeontologists I could not make any clear sense of it. Only when they knew the area I could use the translations.
I suppose the same goes for the translations in Thorns splendid book. It actually could be a misunderstanding.
I suppose Angus Lee could be right in his arguments and that he deserves a little nicer treatment.
Who is conducting the DNA-studies and where?
A humble
Mattias Muller