Well, I believe what I have here is Chenggongensis. I also believe I have some new species in my collection too. China is like Amazon. You will never understand how it is like to be here.
Hey! Nate. Do you mind to have your original description post here, I mean the original one, not the translated one. It is in Chinese, right?
You can scan it and post it here, so we all can see.
Jesper, have you read the original description? or you just repeat what nate said? Has anyone here see a chenggongensis before, even a picture? Also, as matter of fact, I never offer any chenggongensis for sale! They are only sold on request. I believe no beginners will accept my high price for chenggongensis and thus they are the experienced newt keeper who also believe they are buying chenggongensis. They see the pictures too.
Genetically analysis result is interesting to see, but can it provide if it is chenggongensis or not?