it isn't that at all, i do prefer to keep an open mind about things, any man/woman/child of science should be able to do the same, i have yet to find a reliable source that indicates that bison are found in the wild in asia and/or the himalayas, or that bison frequently roam the swamps of lousiana, i will confess that i'am not a profesional biologist and that i'am not a geneticist, but all things considered i have seen more than a single instance where the hairs couldn't be matched with any currently catagorized animal. i will concede that the tests could very well just have been botched but i sincerely doubt that the modern places where genetics happen (i have no idea what the standarized name is for these places, maybe any old laboritory or museum but there has got to be a place that is purely genetics) are run by incompetent morons that are unable to notice the difference between a bison and an ape.
i have seen various pieces of footage where the prints were located entirely by accident and without any reason to fake the prints, i myself have not seen or located any prints in any of my pregrad studies or work in the field, then again i have never heard of reports of any large biped cryptids in the hot arid locations that i frequent, just because most of something is faked doesn't mean that some are real/genuine.
the more that people get out to the areas where saskquatchs are located the more sightings are reported, i will not try and say that all the reporst are real as the first footage of saskquatch (the one where he turns his head and walks away) was recently confirmed to be a hoax and was only revealed after the death of the man that was in the suit.
i don't want to actually get into any kind of debate over such a silly thing as bigfoot, i just really dislike when people talk in absolutes, that there is no possible way this could ever exist, science is not a hard structure that is unchanging, it is always morphing and fixing itself, the current numbers say that saskquatch isn't real merely because we humans are such masters and brilliant hunters that the bigfoot couldn't evade us (which i doubt the average joe could succesfully hunt down any critter that is renowned for evasion), maybe in the uture we will have a corpse and it will show up all the non-believers or maybe it will be tunr out that humans are the only bipedal ape inhabiting north america and most cryptozoologists will cry themselves to sleep, who knows? not i.
all that said tho, i do doubt that bigfoot exists.