


hello...just wondering about the colours my babies will be. i read the genetics page and didnt understand a single word of my male is leucistic and my female is very dark olive coloured wildtype. i found out she is definately wildtype from the genetic page cause she has a gold ring around her pupil of her eyes.

hope you can tell me colours i will get when they hatch and grow.

You will hopefully get I believe (Mikki correct me if im wrong) Half and half. But it also depends on which genes your axies are carrying, and if the both carry it you will have some of them too...

I think that makes sence!
lol.yeah it makes sense. thanks for the info. i guessed i might get half and half but wasnt sure cause i didnt understand it on the site.
hope my axies are carrying some other genes and have weird colured axies! doubt they will
thanks again. :D.
ps. at what length can i sell them and how much would i sell them for. would the best length be around 3 inches long or something? and how much would i sell an axie of this size for in england?

To give you a guide, At the weekend I went to pick up a baby axolotl for my friend from Alan Cann. The babies are just over one inch in size and have fully grown back and front legs..

He charged £5 for it. Which is a great price!

Hope this helps... If you want to keep hold of them longer that would be good then you can start them on bigger food.. but beware dont get attached to them!
thanks. so if i kept them til they were around 3 inches then i could sell them at around £10? i wanted to keep one of the babies out of the ones that survive and sell the rest. i wont get attached to the ones i want to sell though. well ill try not to. hehe.
Hi, just catching up on a few threads...leucy vs wildtype mating has a few possible outcomes.

Possibilites are:
50% leucy and 50% wildtype or
100% wildtype
assuming that albino, melanoid and axanthic type genes don't have much of a say in this instance. You'll have to count the types you get in the larva and then we can say what genotypes your wildtype is. Your leucy is obviously d/d for the developmental gene D.
thanks.ill tell you the colours once they hatch. is the colour of them in the egg the colour they will be when they hatch??? because all my embryos are dark in colour.
Looks like then you have all wildtype babies and your wildtype is D/D for the developmental gene. All the babies should be D/d which will display as dark mottled colouring.

You won't be able to tell if any are melanoid until the get somewhat bigger.
so i could have melanoid babies?
and what do you mean by the developmental gene?

also can i breed a child with its father in the future? or is that just wrong?

i have just noticed that post u just sent is your 666
666 = number of the wtg Iron Maiden!

It's unlikely u have any melanoid but we can't know what melanoid genes your leucistic carries at this time. The d/d (developmental gene) masks it completely).

But your wildtype would be either M/m or M/M. If any larva do turn out melanoid the your wildtype must be M/m and the leucy would be same. So it's pretty unlikely.

Ok the developmental gene D works by restricting the spread of colour cells about the body during the embryonic stages. The colour cells originate at a point in the back of the neck and then distribute thjemselves. So an animal that is leucistic has all the necessary colours (whatever they happen to be) but they have been locked away and haven't distributed. Therefore the animal is white with black eyes and is not an albino. To achieve a leucy the two recessive forms of the gene must come together; one from each parent to make d/d. This d/d combo prevents the spread of colour cells. An animal that is D/D or D/d will show colouring as normal.

Other colour 'mutants' are albino's, golden albinos, melanoid and axanthic.
my axies are 14 days old either tonight or tomorrow morning so hopefully they will be hatching soon.ive set up my brineshrimp hatchery but they dont seem to have hatched yet.well its only been 48 hours nearly.they are in the bottle standing up in a bucket which is next 2 a radiator to keep them warm.

just hope they hatch in time for my babies...if not ill just have to go out and buy daphnia for them until i get brineshrimp
I got all confused with he colours too Claire - the mother is golden albino and the father is melanoid.......all the babies seem to have turned out wild type. they were all white as embryos, when they hatched some were pale and others dark - they've all evened out to roughly the same colour though - kind of mottled with black interesting, but the genetics info is like computer code as far as i'm concerned lol!
ive set up my brineshrimp hatchery but they dont seem to have hatched yet.well its only been 48 hours nearly.they are in the bottle standing up in a bucket which is next 2 a radiator to keep them warm.

Claire - Some of the brine shrimp should have hatched by now. Turn off the air pump and let them settle for like 5 min, then look in to the bottle and see if you see tiny shrimp swimming around. Use a flash light if you need to.

(Message edited by cynorita on February 19, 2005)
rine shrimp start hatching between 24-48 hours. They look lie pale orange dots. But if your bubbles were too fiecre you get nothing. Likewise if you have no light or salt is wrong. Perhaps you should set up another run.

I use Artemia revolution and don't seem to have any problems with them.
well they still havent hatched...but ive bought 6 packets of daphnia to feed them until i can get these shrimp hatched. ill have a try again might be that they arent getting enough light so ill put them in light.

accidently hatched around 6 of my axies yesterday.ooops! was taking water out of the tubs they are in with a syringe and didnt realise there was some eggs in one corner and sucked them out of their they seem fine.ive taken them out of the tub with eggs and put them into a separate tub.feeding them with the daphnia tomorrow when they have hopefully eaten all the yolk sac stuff. there is one of the babies in these ones i hatched and it is kind of deformed. like not properly developed. is it cruel to keep it alive???

also...ive had a closer inspection of the babies in their eggs and noticed that some are darker and some are lighter.does this mean the lighter ones will be leucistic? awww they all have their eyes now! they so cute. i have a 1 foot tank in the loft which i might put some in when they have grown to an inch or so excited.cant wait! hehe.
when i look at my brineshrimp hatched i found that they had actually hatched!!! but they were dead because they had been hatched for a while and the air pump was still going! my boyfriend is an idiot!!! he said he couldnt see baby brineshrimp! you know i cant leave him to do anything for

well my axies started hatching properly on monday and still hatching.when should i start hatching the eggs myself if others take a while to hatch?? should i leave it til saturday night when i see them again or should i leave them a little longer? ive put plenty of daphnia in with hatched and non hatched axies for when they do hatch and finish their egg yolk.hehe.

going to set up the brineshrimp hatchery once again on saturday beause i bought 2x 30g tubs of cysts for £8 which included p&p and i dont want them to go to waste.

*thinks of more things to say or ask*

oh yeah...if i put quite a few axie babies into bigger tubs or even a 1foot by 1/2 a foot tank along with lots plants and plenty of daphnia and in a dark greatly does this reduce the risk of cannibalism???
I hatch a new batch of brine shrimp every day. I keep the water in the hatchery about 76F. If they are kept more than a day or two all of the shrimp will die. I find them to be easy and a consistent yield. It is important to have good cysts, the proper temperature, and the proper water circulation.
how long can the larvae eat brine shrimp for? well until what size?
Claire - mine ate newly hatched brine shrimp until they are big enough to eat frozen blood worms. I didn't have access to any other foods at that time.

Since they grew at different rates they were switched over as they were ready.

As I recall I was hatching brine shrimp for about 6 weeks.
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