caudate collections.

I enjoy keeping up with my collection. I also work a full time job, but that doesn't stop me. I have very few other interests besides caudates, and said "goodbye" to my social life a long time ago. I agree that some people can't handle caring for large numbers, but for now, I can handle it. Plus, I hate being bored!

The majority of my animals are normally larvae or small juveniles, in which case I keep them in pretty simple set-ups (ie. bare bottomed rubber maid tubs) that only require minimal attention, just a daily water change, and a good feeding.

Most of the animals are kept aquatically. The adults are in aquariums so when they need weekly water changes, I just take water out of the tanks and use it in the tubs with the larvae/juveniles. I never think of them as a burden or a "chore". Vacations are out of the picture for me because I would never have a baby-sitter, but with all of these animals, I'd never want to leave!
i am lucky enough to have a partner and daughter who are also interested so i have help.I have had people from all over the country come to see my little zoo and all leave pretty impressed. I think the missus has got used to coming second to my little darlings lol ,it is a lot of work but i enjoy every second of it .
yey for Siren keepers!! you're the only other person I've heard of who has a Siren...erm..9..
are yours wild caught? where did you get them? what do you feed them and what kind of accomodations do they have?
so many questions!! I have yet to see anyone keep amphiumas successfully
I have 4 Marbled newts, will be getting some more soon as I they are all males. 4 sub adult Balkan Crested Newts, 12 sub adult Italian Crested newts, and 12 juvenile Caucasian Banded Newts.

Will be building some outdoor enclosures this year. Have a garden pond which attracts common frogs, toads, smooth newts and last year I found one Gt Crested Newt, I hope there are more tis year.

Also have 4 African Clawed Frogs (4 of which are albino)

I am in Suffolk are you near?
yey for Siren keepers!! you're the only other person I've heard of who has a Siren...erm..9..
are yours wild caught? where did you get them? what do you feed them and what kind of accomodations do they have?
so many questions!! I have yet to see anyone keep amphiumas successfully

I'm the only person you've heard of that has a siren?! Really? I know a few other people who have sirens, I have all three species.
Yes, they are wild caught, most are long term captives that people didn't want any more, and knew about my collection.
I got them in the United States of America! My dwarf sirens came from a gentleman who's had good luck with breeding his, so those are the only c.b. sirens I have. The others came from the US, sources aren't important, sirens are becoming less common in the wild, and if people buy them as pets just because they're cool the more would be collected.
I've had my amphiuma for a while now, and it seems to be doing fine for me, and I know two other guys who have been successful in raising them to adulthood. I feed all of my animals large enough to eat earthworms on either the worms or pellets (depending on the species).

If you have further questions regarding specific species, try starting a new thread in the "large aquatic salamander" section of the forum.
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