Dog Shrink
New member
I know this is a bit late but I love your set ups... they all look so great, natural, perfectely simulatedl il bits of home in captivity. Great job :thumbsup:
Around here, tiger habitat is grass on dirt on a deep bed of gravel on top of sandstone. Any moss is green in April and crispy the rest of the year. Drive a half hour out of town, and the main difference to the habitat is that grass is supplemented by sagebrush and cactus, gravel is sometimes replaced by sand, and soil may have significant amounts of bentonite clay. Most tigers just don't live in green mossy environments, but dry savana, prairie, and even semi-desert. Certainly a good medium to burrow in is required, but almost anything described as "dirt" will do. The fact so many tiger species and populations are neotenic or spend the summer feeding in water, is likely because the habitat outside of the water is only salamander-suitable under ground.Why did you put in that much gravel?
For the human eye this maybe looks nice, but tiger salamanders need moss and deep soil to dig in. Gravel is just disturbing.
We may be thinking about different concepts, but what i call a stream terrarium is completely inadequate for Hypselotriton or Cynops.