Regarding the 'newt day', it would be helpful to have some idea of how many to expect. I'm sorry to see that some people can't make it - let's hope we can arrange something similar next year. Anyway, please mail me directly once you know you can come. Ask for directions, too, if you need them and let me know if you want a lift from the station. I will try to book a table or two in a pub for about 1 o'clock so we will need to be on our way by 12.30 at the latest.
If you suddenly find you can come at the last minute it will be OK but I do need a rough idea of numbers. I will be away from November 13th until December 1st but my wife can deal with any urgent enquiries in the meantime.
Oh, and please don't expect to see a huge collection of newts here - my travelling commitments give me very little time to maintain captive animals these days!