Question: C. Orientalis Egg

It might work, but i would start with newly hatched artemia, daphnia, copepods, infusoria, etc... At least for the first 2-3 weeks. Then you can introduce blackworms or tubifex.
As Azhael suggests, it is possible to start them out on finely chopped live blackworms. If you don't have access to other foods, you can give this a try. Be vigilant about water quality, as the worm pieces do die and rot.
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I have some brine shrimp in a hatchery right now, so hopefully, those would be ready soon. Also, I'm looking around for somewhere to get live daphnia from. Thanks a lot for the help.
I don't know what I did wrong by the brine shrimp did not hatch. Since I thought a local aquarium had daphnia, I didn't start a new hatchery going. I called in to the aquarium asking for daphnia but didn't specify live, turns out they only have frozen. I have ordered some live daphnia online but that won't come for a couple of days. The larva hatched about 4 days ago, how long can he survive without food.

As a last resort I am considering putting the larva back into the parent tank, hoping he can find some critters that are already there to eat.
It is certainly an option to put it back in the adults' tank. If you have live blackworms, add a TINY amount of finely chopped blackworms. They can go for several days without food - can you see yolk on the belly? When the yolk is all gone , they need to start eating. Photos showing what the yolk looks like:
Caudata Culture Photo Series - Tylototriton verrucosus development

It is common for BS eggs to fail to hatch. They have a short shelf-life, so they are probably just not good eggs. I assume you used the correct salt solution - that's the only other thing that can go wrong. Most often it's bad eggs.
The solution I used was a liter of water to 2 tea spoons on salt, I put in just a pinch of baking soda.
I have received the daphnia and want to culture them in 2 two-liter bottles. Do I absolutely have to provide a source of bubbles? Also I intend to feed them with yeast, how much should I use for each 2 liter bottle?


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