Tim/Alexander: How many eggs do you tend to get per female? Mine aren't very prolific most of the time compared to what I've seen on the forum...maybe I can save a dozen to 20 eggs in a month(the newts are eating their eggs though). Also they have never been quite as plump as Tim's photos except perhaps a day or two after eating. Your feeding schedule and amount is probably more than what I have been feeding mine however. I've been feeding mainly redworms so that also might be a reason. They seem to really enjoy the meals they get frozen bloodworms in.
Alex: In 7 years, how many generations of C. o have you gotten through? How long does it take for you to raise them to adult? Do you raise the juvies aquatically? Also, how far apart from wild type are your "strains".
I am with Ian on the eggs. I've never seen mine use Elodea(that would be great if they did as I have a lot of it). Mine use the leaves of small java ferns(which are about the size of Hygrophila leaves).
Great to see some talk on this species.
(Message edited by fishkeeper on March 21, 2006)
(Message edited by fishkeeper on March 21, 2006)
(Message edited by fishkeeper on March 21, 2006)