MereB's huge tank build thread inspired me to do something more for my tank, so I am doing something to add new dimensions to the landscape. This decoration has the benefit of being nice to tanks with not so thick glass as it wont weigh much at all =)!
I will try to create a few plateus that Ragnar and Uriel can hang around on, and at the same time add an extra hide!
Materials to use:
2 plastic containers, one of which is much bigger in all dimensions than the other.
Lots of river stones.
Fake aquarium plants (I had a buttugly plant/pirate-chest I got with my tank, which ive slaughtered for this projected)
Sand, same color as you have in the tank.
1 old aquarium fake stone ornament
1 bottle of coke
This is the idea so far, put the smaller container on the larger one, add stones, plants and ornaments to your liking. These will be glued in place with aquarium safe silicone.
Make a hole for the hide, and on the inside, glue a cut off coke bottle (the bottom) to the frame of the container (will upload pics of what im thinking tomorrow).
Cover any spots not covered with stones or plants with aquarium safe silicone and put sand there to make it all look really spiffy.
This is my concept, which I will start on tomorrow

If people are interested I can post pictures of the build process once I am done, hopefully I can inspire someone to build something nice =)!