Bufo viridis



Hello there!!
I've got 2 bufo viridis tadpoles.One of them is almost completed his developement(it just has to absorb it's tail)and the other one is of the same age,but has only developed it's back legs,so when I transform their aquarium into a terrarium,I'll have to put the one that hasn't completed it's developement in a box (15cm high and 7cm wide).Is it gould for it??Every how many days I should change the water?When they become toads I will feed them for a while with ants,but I'm afraid that they won't want to eat other kind of insects later.Anybody who can help me I would be thankful!!
i'm so jealous wish i could find at least 1 toad tadpole to raise
from what i read they may take a while to feed after aborbing their tail.
also form what i read ants are a poor choice of food.. they seem to have a bitter taste and have the potential to bite and infest an enclousure.
can you find or buy any other inscets to feed? small fruit flies, phoenix worms(soldier fly larvae), lesser waxworms, small slugs, pinhead - 1/4 crickets, small pill/sowbugs, and small thin wriggling earthworms would be better if available in your area.
Thank you very much for the info you gaveme.Well I'll give them ants for only a small while(with vitaminD3),but I'll give them som e snails and worms too.I will feed them with waxworms-mealworms when they reproduce(the insects),because they are too big for the toads,so after that I will give them the smallest larvae..
But iff they get used to one kind of food for some time,will they not accept other kinds of insects later????And I repeat,is it safe to put one of the tadpole to that little box to complete it's developement,and every how many days the water should be changed from that box???Really,do these toads need a heating pad???
toads are voracious feeders and will welcome a varied diet. basicallly anything that moves will potentially become a meal. i still think it be best to ditch the ants alltogether. are crickets or fruit flys readily available? my baby tomato frog was raised on crickets and fruit flys by the breeder and i was able to eaily introduce pillbugs and appropriate sized waxworms ,phoenix worms, and slugs even though it was tiny thumbnail sized.

i'm not experienced with raising tadpoles but the container should be safe. just monitor the water quality closely since you'll be using less volume. a lone tadpole shouldn't produce much waste itself just be carefull not to overfeed especially when all limbs are formed and it's absorbing it's tail. something like a 50% change weekly should be good. if your want to be safe get a test kit to check levels

caresheets for these toads suggest
Daytime temperature 75-85º
Nighttime temperature 65-75º
you could probably do without a heating pad and be fine. my tomato frog has similar requirements, but i read they do better without heat when young so i've being keeping it the same temps as my room since january which range at max 75 day and as low and 64 night with no ill affects
Thank you very much for your help!!So small crckets are not available,but i will soon have baby waxworms+mealworms...
Really,what does the word ditch mean??
ditch is english slang/synonym
1. To get rid of; discard: ditched the old yard furniture.
2. To get away from (a person, especially a companion).
3. To discontinue use of or association with: ditch the job at the hamburger stand.
4. To skip (class or school).

i'm sure some ants do make a part of a toads diet in the wild, but without knowing the exact species of ant and what they been feeding on themselves you could be introducing a noxious meal to your pet.

i assume your collecting these ants from somewhere how about other bugs you can catch? things like springtails, small pill/sowbugs, baby earthworms, maybe you can even try an outdoor fruitfly trap
Thank you again for all your help!I keep the ants in a formicarium,so i feed them only with protein-rich food.I will give the the insects I told you,and baby worms.I can feed them with pill millepedes?I didn't knov that!!
Today one of them lost it's tail.It's normal,but it doesn't eat.Is it because it just absorbed it's tail???
Leonidas, if you have a formicarium, what about feeding the toads the ant larvae? These should be better food than the adult ants and easier to catch too.

Another good food would be whiteworm - very easy to culture and nice and small. I've successfully reared yellow-bellied toads (Bombina variegata) and fire salamanders on this food. You can order them online from various places - I've just sent off for some from www.aquaculturesupplies.co.uk
(can't yet say how good they are as the worms haven't arrived yet).

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