broken-striped newts

Thanks! I think they just follow the typical newt strategy of 'eat anything that moves'. When I first put food in, they go crazy and almost nothing gets eaten, but eventually they settle down and start scavenging for every little scrap.

I have to be careful not to put too much in at once because they will seriously overeat.
Sounds typical to me xD
My adult newts behave just the same way, although the kings of feeding frenzy are my Cynops orientalis when they are hungry(something that i can hardly imagine happening).

Have i said how much i like your newts?? Yes...i probably have :p
Yes, they are really fine. I can't believe how long you've had them! That's so great.
Thanks for the comments :D Yeah, I'm surprised they've lasted this long - they made it through my angsty teenage years, and through wild times in college...

Here's a short video of Sneaky, their son (or daughter - I'm not really sure, but I think of him as a boy). He's just over a year old and he's gotten so big: over two inches! Sorry for the poor quality.
I took a couple of shots of the male amplexing one of the females the other day. I think the poor girls are ready for a break. Luckily, courtship is starting to taper off.


Gratuitous newt photo update ;)

Sneaky staring at his dad:


He's been spending pretty much every second of every day for the last two weeks courting. I feel like the mom of a teenager:

Doesn't quite have the moves down yet, but he's getting there...
He´s so cute...
I can´t wait for the day i´ll see one of my juvenile C.orientalis behave like a teenager xD
I love this post Erin, your dorsalis are so pretty it hurts....keep posting!
What a wonderful tank. I hope to build something like this soon. just as soon as I get this whole newt thing I'm new to this.
We've been moving house, so I haven't had much of a chance to post anything for a while. But I took some shots yesterday to make up for it :p

First, the parental newts at feeding time. It's almost impossible to take good shots of them because it's just a blur of eating:


And here's Sneaky! He gave me quite a scare when he decided not to eat for 3 months and dedicate his life to dancing instead. Apparently, it was the wrong career choice because he's back to eating like a champ. He's a little skinnier than he used to be, but still handsome.


Since moving to our new place, I've had a problem with aphids living on my water plants :mad:


I don't have any good eft pictures right now, but all seem to be doing well.
I too had aphids in my floating plants. They became so abundant that their shedded skins littered the surface. They were good for the morphs though xD.
Your newts are looking as cute as always :) I just had one of my N.v.viridescens go aquatic(he/she went right into the water and hasn´t left yet), and he is already showing the "there´s something moving!" frenzy xD.
You have some REALLY SWEET NEWTS. What are the conditions they're living at? (IE Temp, feeding rate and kinds of food, etc)
Update time :D Here are some pictures of newts looking stupid - i.e., begging for food:



The male newt has some really buggy eyes - he reminds me of Beaker, the muppet:




I apologize for the scummy looking water - it's hot here, so it's a constant struggle to keep the tank cool and clean.

eta: Oops! Forgot to add that Sneaky, their son, is doing well:

As always, beautiful, healthy looking newts. Thanks for the update!
Glad to see Sneaky and the parents are doing! The first picture of the male is definitely my favorite!

Thanks for the pics

Little update :D

Everyone is doing well - it's still hot as heck here, but we're coping. Big eft is getting... bigger. She's always out begging for food. She's also pretty much adult sized now:


Sneaky is good also - still too small to put in with his parents, though. Here's a blurry picture because he never stops moving:


Short video of the parental newts at feeding time:

YouTube - newts going crazy

Thanks for looking!
I took more pictures today, so I thought I'd post some up :eek:

First, the parental newts and their residence:

DSC01629.JPG DSC01637.JPG DSC01630.JPG

I'm still having a blue-green algae problem, but I'm hoping it will clear up when it finally gets colder here.

I cleaned the efts' enclosure yesterday. Everyone (who is still alive :() is looking nice and fat. The paper towel is the worm feeding area:

Aww I've just stumbled upon your thread. Your newts are gorgeous :).
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