British Amphibian Keepers Society - Stafford (UK) August 5th 2012

Yup, quite a few of us. I personally will be selling 5 dendrobates tinctorius 'regina' youngsters and 9 oophaga pumilio San Cristobal, and we have a few other dart breeders with tables booked.

We're trying very hard though to avoid the common situation of lots of darts and tree frogs but not much else.

We can now reveal what the 'secret' prize is from our sponsors at Arcadia......

A 24 wat T5HO Pro Vivarium Canopy and 12% D3 T5HO tube!

Looking around on t'internet these are worth between £45 at the cheapest and £85 at the dearer end. Designed to fit perfectly on a 60cm Exo Terra these are ideal for us phib keeper folks, although the tube may not be perfect you can pick up a 24 watt T5HO 865 for about £4.

This lovely prize will be given away in our free members draw. Please note however that commercial table holders are excluded from this draw. Hobbyist table holders however will be included. We also have 9 Arcadia wrist bands that we will give out as a part of the same draw throughout the day.

Our thanks again to our sponsors at Arcadia Reptile.

I have a table with a couple of other members. We will be providing advice on axolotl care. We (mainly me lol) will also be selling axolotls, spanish sharp ribbed newts, chinese fire bellied newts, african clawed frog tads, cherry shrimp and possibly sun beetles and madagascan hissing cockroaches. I will also be displaying some A.mexicanum/A.andersoni hybrids, which will not be for sale. Should be a really good day and i am looking forward to seeing a few of you guys there. 50% discount to anyone who buys stuff off me dressed as a clown.
Continuing in Ian's spirit of fun. :)

The first person we see dressed as a clown (properly, not just a red nose. lol) will get a free froggy key ring.

The first 2 people we see dressed up as amphibians (again, got to have made a decent effort) will get freebies too.

Also if enough people show up in fancy dress, we will then hold a fancy dress competition with fun prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. :)

So folks, here's a chance not just to add to the fun, but also to score some freebies. :D

People dressed as amphibians get 50% off anything i am selling, may have to limit the number of phibs per person though.
Right, more news. We have just voted to hold elections for 2 more members of the BAKS committee, this will be held at the meeting on 5th August.

As such, could all members please visit the official site at and make your nominations as per the guidance there.


If anybody needs accomodation near the venue, we've drawn up a handy list of places within walking distance of the venue:Nearby Accomodation.

Ok Ade. I have a few photos I'm happy for you to use, so long as its just for the t-shirts only and doesn't get used everywhere. See if you like them, I'm sure plenty of other people on here have great photos of their newts too.

I don't know how good they'll be for t-shirts but you can have a play with them and see if they work for you.

Anyone else got any photos?

Right Jane, been playing with your images, and this is what I've come up with, hope you like. ;)



Hope you folks like it. Availability will be limited. I may tweak the design still.

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LOVE IT! It's one of my favourite photos too. You've done a good job. I'll have to get there early to make sure I get one!
Cool. :) I liked that pick too, was a toss up between that one and the one that looks really really happy in the end, and that one won it. :)

If you like Jane we can reserve you one, we'll have them in medium or xxl. Folks will be able to order them online after the 4th from Zazzle with no limits on availability or sizes, but the ones at the meeting we are doing ourselves so they're a bit cheaper for those folks who want a souvenir t-shirt without breaking the bank. Hence the limited numbers, we don't really want to buy loads and risk losing a lot of money from society funds. :) Anyway proceeds from t-shirt sales will go to society funds, which after the day, dependiing on how much we raise, will either go towards paying for next years meeting, or if there is enough be divided between paying for next years meeting and a donation to the FBH to help fund the fight for our hobby. :)

Drop me a PM if you want me to reserve you a t-shirt, with the size you want. It's only fair as you supplies the image we've used. I'll work out a price very very soon once the t-shirts delivered. In addition, if you need a different size let us know and we'll get you one on special order. Depending on the quality of the finished shirts the price will be between £5 and £10, with £5 been if they are completely naff and £10 been if they are spot on. ;) We may have to give you a new price for yours though Jane if you need a special size as don't know how much it will cost for us to buy. ;)

As far as I know its you, me, Ian and Sam going (as well as Ade from BAKS too).

I don't know that anyone else from the area is coming. I know maybe 1 or 2 people within the area but none of them have expressed an interest.
I will be there! Does anyone from have a stall?

Yes, Ian will have one :)

Yup, I believe he's sharing it with a couple of other members too. :D We're very pleased that there will be some representation of at the meeting, and hope to build on this in the future. ;)

I see that Julia still hasn't owned up, so I am going to grass on her. :p Not only will there be members with a table, but your very own Julia was elected to the BAKS committee and as interim chair person of the BAKS committee also. :D So you folks have a very very real voice in BAKS. :lol:

We intend to ensure that ALL areas of amphibian keeping have a place within BAKS, so saw it as important that somebody from here was a part of the committee. Jane and Ian have been nominated for the committee as well, and BAKS members will have the opportunity to vote yes or no to their appointment to the committee at the BAKS meeting. So not only would you be supporting BAKS by attending, but you'd also have the opportunity to make sure that caudate keepers have an even stronger voice in the running of BAKS at the same time. :D

Anybody interested in the meeting, to save you going back to earlier parts of this thread, the meeting will be held at St Leonards Sports and Social Club, Stafford. Doors open to table holders at 9am and to other members at 11am. Membership of BAKS is £5 per year for adults, and includes access to 1 meeting a year and 2 issues of our twice yearly newsletter, the 1st issue of which has now been produced and emailed out as a PDF to existing members, keeping costs down and been better for the environment (I will however be bringing a limited number of hard copies in higher resolution to the meeting, and these will be free). New members will receive a PDF copy of this with their proof of membership.

Also, as I haven't mentioned this on here, we have decided to offer a FREE shared space in which members who have joined in advance of the day may sell their captive bred surplus amphibian livestock (no dry goods, feeders, or plants allowed in the shared space). We can not guarantee the amount of space available per person, but it's a good way to sell of small numbers of offspring you've produced without the cost of a table. Members who wish to take advantage of this should arrive before 11am where possible so that we can allocate you space on a first come first served basis. This is in place of the 'auctions' that some societies hold. To reiterate though, this will only be available to members joining IN ADVANCE, and not to people joining on the day.

Tomorrow's the day folks! :)

Still time to join in advance to take advantage of our "free shared selling space" offer. ;)

Other than that, look forward to seeing some of you there.

Hope it goes well Ade - sorry I can't be there but somehow I've ended up with a year that clashed with Creaks, BAKS and now Kempton as well :(

As someone who keeps caudates as well as darts and TF's I've no doubt there'll be diversity of interest. I also enjoyed the first newsletter and I've got to say that a year's subs for the price of a couple of boxes of livefood is a good deal.

All the best for tomorrow..
Glad you enjoyed the 1st issue of the newsletter, the 2nd issue should be even better, and bigger as I wont have to limit the number of pages in order to get it to print properly as a booklet, given it will be PDF only for the 2nd issue. :)

Also glad you like the subscription rate we went for. As we have always stated, our aim is not primarily to make money from our members, so for the membership we kept it as low as we possibly could. Instead our aim is to raise more money using voluntary fund raising at the meeting later today, with a rafflet, tombola, spot the frog and not to forget the t-shirts. :) That way people can chose whether to help us to raise more funds, and with a bit of luck we'll raise enough to be able to make good on the plan to donate some to the FBH to help them to fight for our hobby. :)

On the down side, really sorry you wont be joining us tomorrow, it's a crying shame. Fingers crossed for next year eh.

I am really looking forward to the show, i decided to leave it quite late before bagging my phibs up to sell, i expect to take an hour or so and i need to leave at 6.30am, total fail on the sleep front lol
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