Yes, Ian will have one
Yup, I believe he's sharing it with a couple of other members too.
We're very pleased that there will be some representation of at the meeting, and hope to build on this in the future.
I see that Julia still hasn't owned up, so I am going to grass on her.
Not only will there be members with a table, but your very own Julia was elected to the BAKS committee and as interim chair person of the BAKS committee also.
So you folks have a very very real voice in BAKS. :lol:
We intend to ensure that ALL areas of amphibian keeping have a place within BAKS, so saw it as important that somebody from here was a part of the committee. Jane and Ian have been nominated for the committee as well, and BAKS members will have the opportunity to vote yes or no to their appointment to the committee at the BAKS meeting. So not only would you be supporting BAKS by attending, but you'd also have the opportunity to make sure that caudate keepers have an even stronger voice in the running of BAKS at the same time.
Anybody interested in the meeting, to save you going back to earlier parts of this thread, the meeting will be held at St Leonards Sports and Social Club, Stafford. Doors open to table holders at 9am and to other members at 11am. Membership of BAKS is £5 per year for adults, and includes access to 1 meeting a year and 2 issues of our twice yearly newsletter, the 1st issue of which has now been produced and emailed out as a PDF to existing members, keeping costs down and been better for the environment (I will however be bringing a limited number of hard copies in higher resolution to the meeting, and these will be free). New members will receive a PDF copy of this with their proof of membership.
Also, as I haven't mentioned this on here, we have decided to offer a FREE shared space in which members who have joined in advance of the day may sell their captive bred surplus amphibian livestock (no dry goods, feeders, or plants allowed in the shared space). We can not guarantee the amount of space available per person, but it's a good way to sell of small numbers of offspring you've produced without the cost of a table. Members who wish to take advantage of this should arrive before 11am where possible so that we can allocate you space on a first come first served basis. This is in place of the 'auctions' that some societies hold. To reiterate though, this will only be available to members joining IN ADVANCE, and not to people joining on the day.