I hope everyone that made it to the show this Sunday had a lovely time, I certainly did
There was a really nice crowd there, not to busy or crowded. We all had plenty of time to gaze at all the animals. I managed to resist leaving with any animals, though I did get an amazing book . (I was very tempted but my husband was keeping a close eye on what I was up to )
The Caudata corner was represented mainly by Ian who had a nice little tank set up with a three different coloured juvenile axolotl and another little tank with some juvenile acf frogs. He had some rather large hissing cockroaches with him which he happily brought out to show us. There was also some amphibian pellets and snails...I am sure I have missed something out :/ . Jane1187 displayed some rather lovely cards that she had made, and added some of her plants to Eva and my small collection. I had a little tank with a couple of Tylototriton verrucosus juveniles to show.
The show was also attended by Marc from Dartfrog, he had some lovely salamanders with him which were great to see plus various frogs. He had all sorts of vivarium building stuff too plus plants and some books.
There was also a number of tables with some amazing dart frogs, I hadn't realised how small some of them where..and so many different colours! I believe these were all sold by the breeders, and it was lovely hearing some of them talking about them. One gentleman also had a lovely selection of bromeliads too.
Repti-licious had a stall selling live food and various items like cork, bedding, substrates, lighting and so on.
For a little bit more variety, there was even some small snakes
Ade ( Baks) did a demonstration on how to plant a vivarium which I missed most of, but I had a little look at it after. This was one of the super prizes for the raffle. There was a nice selection of prizes.One of which was won by a quite surprised forum member... I'll leave it to him to tell you all about them