British Amphibian Keepers Society - Cannock (UK) April 21st 2013

List has been updated again, and now has even more caudates on it! :cool:


Lots of nice phibs have been added to the list !!!! dont miss out on them or the fine selection of axolotls and clawed frrogs offered by ..... well me !
Not long to wait now folks. :D The list keeps growing to, so make sure to keep having a look: B.A.K.S.. Note though that there will most certainly be more there on the day than on the list. ;)

Just to let you folks know that we have now published a timetable for the meeting on the 21st B.A.K.S.. Trying to give the meeting a little more structure than last year. lol

Only one week to go!!

I have now booked a Caudata table as Ian will be taking a lot of his stock to the show, his tables will be bursting with axolotl, acf and other goodies :D
I will most likely be bringing a couple of animals...well 2 and some of my excess aquarium plants. If any one would like to add to this please feel free. Excess caudates, caudate eggs, plants, work..anything caudate related would be fantastic.

Please feel free to pm me.

Yes, I am hoping to have some greetings cards featuring my own modest artwork and some photography, so it's not all frogs and newts!
Only a few days left till the show this Sunday....and Ian has kindly sold my animals :eek:

So apart from Jane's artwork..and a few plants we have a rather empty table :cry:

It would be lovely if we could have a few more people to come share our table :D
Only a few days left till the show this Sunday....and Ian has kindly sold my animals :eek:

So apart from Jane's artwork..and a few plants we have a rather empty table :cry:

It would be lovely if we could have a few more people to come share our table :D

DONT PANIC ! I will have a load of things available at very reasonable prices
2.5" leucistic axolotls
3"-4" wild type axolotls
5" melanoid axolotls
Madagascan hissing cockroaches including "grow a hisser kit" (little tank and baby roaches)
Whiteworm cultures
albino/golden African clawed froglets (X.laevis)
Amphibian pellets (2mm and 4mm)

I am also trying to source a few new species of newt and sal or alternate bloodlines of species I already keep. I am also interested in adult axolotls (light morphs only but especially golden), pm me please..
My 2 female (for now anyway!) albino axies are always available to borrow :happy:

DONT PANIC ! I will have a load of things available at very reasonable prices
2.5" leucistic axolotls
3"-4" wild type axolotls
5" melanoid axolotls
Madagascan hissing cockroaches including "grow a hisser kit" (little tank and baby roaches)
Whiteworm cultures
albino/golden African clawed froglets (X.laevis)
Amphibian pellets (2mm and 4mm)

I am also trying to source a few new species of newt and sal or alternate bloodlines of species I already keep. I am also interested in adult axolotls (light morphs only but especially golden), pm me please..
I hope everyone that made it to the show this Sunday had a lovely time, I certainly did :D

There was a really nice crowd there, not to busy or crowded. We all had plenty of time to gaze at all the animals. I managed to resist leaving with any animals, though I did get an amazing book . (I was very tempted but my husband was keeping a close eye on what I was up to )

The Caudata corner was represented mainly by Ian who had a nice little tank set up with a three different coloured juvenile axolotl and another little tank with some juvenile acf frogs. He had some rather large hissing cockroaches with him which he happily brought out to show us. There was also some amphibian pellets and snails...I am sure I have missed something out :/ . Jane1187 displayed some rather lovely cards that she had made, and added some of her plants to Eva and my small collection. I had a little tank with a couple of Tylototriton verrucosus juveniles to show.

The show was also attended by Marc from Dartfrog, he had some lovely salamanders with him which were great to see plus various frogs. He had all sorts of vivarium building stuff too plus plants and some books.

There was also a number of tables with some amazing dart frogs, I hadn't realised how small some of them where..and so many different colours! I believe these were all sold by the breeders, and it was lovely hearing some of them talking about them. One gentleman also had a lovely selection of bromeliads too.

Repti-licious had a stall selling live food and various items like cork, bedding, substrates, lighting and so on.

For a little bit more variety, there was even some small snakes :)

Ade ( Baks) did a demonstration on how to plant a vivarium which I missed most of, but I had a little look at it after. This was one of the super prizes for the raffle. There was a nice selection of prizes.One of which was won by a quite surprised forum member... I'll leave it to him to tell you all about them :D
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Wish I could of made it unfortunately assignment deadlines prevented me.
It was a great day out ! I acquired a nice pair of juvenile golden axolotls off Janine, four adult T.carnifex from Jane, some plants from Eva , fruit flies and two T.verrucosus off Julia for my friend Kevin a new member on this forum. I also won in a raffle six Google Image Result for of these guys, it's not generally a good idea to raffle living creatures but in a room full of hobbyists and dart frog fans it was ok, except one of the few people in the society who knows nothing about them won lol. think I must have miffed a few people ( not that I care) , I have them in a temp set up atm and they are destroying the fruit flies and springtails that I have dropped in. I will be seeing a friend on the weekend who builds vivs/terrariums and will be setting up a nice big tank for them and getting some additional advice on their care. I also won some tadpoles which I passed on to Jane who keeps darts. The great thing about these hobbyist meets is seeing your online friends, getting new pets, passing on some of your surplus animals, you dont even need cash as its very easy to trade or get free animals from your buddies. You also get to see new species, advice from experienced keepers and help fund the captive breeding of amphibians who would otherwise be taken from the wild . The side of the show was underrepresented and to those of you who missed the show........ you missed a superb day out but dont start crying at the missed opportunity as there will be a show later in the year which we will be reminding you of.
Just a small clarification, Dartfrog did not sell any animals, as a business it is illegal for Marc to do so at a hobbiest show. The animals for sale next to his table were being sold by his father who is a breeder.
A couple of photos from Sunday:



Oh yes a very good meet this year. Nice to see so much Caudate interest, many questions asked about the newts on the table.

There were even a handful of reptiles on sale in the form of two unusual snake species.

There was a great variety of healthy animals on sale. I implore more people to come along to the next one if they can!
Agreed, it was a good afternoon. I would have liked to have had more of a look around, but I thoroughly enjoyed doing the demo and also providing in effect an advice table. ;)

You can't actually see the table in this, it was too far way down in the far right corner, but this is what I saw on one of the rare occassions that I actually looked up from my demo:-


Oh and to clarify, I too agree Ian that giving live animals as a prize isn't a good idea, and we have no plans to repeat this. One of the committee members though kind of insisted, and as you mentioned at the end of the day pretty much everybody there was up to the task of keeping them, and as you probably heard we repeated over and over that it was an optional thing where if the winner was not confident that they could house them or look after them we were quite willing to find something else amongst the prizes we had with us to replace them, and redraw until we found somebody who could. We WONT be doing this again though, it made me feel very uncomfortable to be honest. :(

Next meeting will be in September. The venue has actually been booked, but until one of our sponsors confirms that that date is ok we would rather not announce the date. Hopefully we'll know for sure soon and can then announce it.

I'll also be looking for a volunteer with extensive knowledge of caudate keeping to help us to man an information and advice desk this time around. The info/demo table proved VERY popular, and this is something we would like to build on, and my caudate knowledge is limited at best. Whoever volunteers needs to do so realising that they probably wont get nearly as much time to look around as they'd like. :rolleyes: We really want to build up the educational side of our meetings though. We'd also like to launch some sort of viv decorating contest, but we'd need entries to be made in advance in order to know if it would be worth getting prizes for.

I am sure that I could do the caudata info at the table, so long as I am not needed at the entry table. I'm sure we can work something out.
I am sure that I could do the caudata info at the table, so long as I am not needed at the entry table. I'm sure we can work something out.

Well, we did have 2 chaps wandering around with apparently nothing to do, so maybe one of them could do the door. ;) That said, you are very very good at manning the door. :rofl:

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