Big tank on second story of the house?

Yes you can use a internal filter for your axies instead of a external, probably best because axies don't like fast moving water. I could imagine my room with a huge tank all the way round it, my room has got a few tanks in it all ready though:p
Just use 2 small internal filters that add up the correct capacity, However you will need to use 2 because it will stop dead spots in the water :)
I just had a vision.. Imagine a tank that stretched round the room :O ..dunno if your picturing what i am but it would be in a sort of O shape so you could walk into the room, stand in the middle and spin round and the tank would cover the wall.. Imagine how many axies you could have!! Id have my bed in the middle and then there would never be need for a tv

..i know whats going on my christmas list this year!

Check THIS out ;)

Now THAT'S an idea...
I wonder if that is available from "I want one of"??
Aww i cant watch the vid on my phone, search "monster fish tanks" it on youtube though theres some MAHOOSIVE tanks. But axies woukd benefit.more from the ground space so thats why i just said one that went all.round the room, i.plant.on having it when im older/when i win the lottery :D
..dyknow what to have an axie shop.. Atleast then customers would be advised CORRECTLY and axies would be cared for correctly ..and i could hire all you guys could be my empoyees :D
Bagsy me the job of tea lady.
Am i right in thinking a 240litre tank will be roughly four ft? Cause i may have found one i like :D
Wow, I want a tank like that vid! ♥

when i win the lottery
Haha, a much loved saying from my dad. Oh well, I go.. oohhhh.. can we have THIS!?! He'll be like, sure, when we win the lottery. :p

A standard 4ft tank is 200L, some 250L.
My 4footer is 400L. =)
So if its 240 it should be 4ft(ish) wooo! Blimey 400l isit quite wide aswell as long then?

I always think to myself whilst day dreaming what id do if i won a signifigant amount of money and straight away i think BIG HOUSE=BIG TANK FOR AXIES :D
It should be 4ft. :)
Yeah, it is pretty wide (would guess 2-2.5ft-ish) tall too. I nearly fell in the other day haha. Only three axies in it, they love it.. well I manged to pop in a comment on my axies there. :p

Maybe one day it will come true. Until then, your axies love you, even without there own swimming pool. :p
im thinking about setting up a 10ft fast set paddling pool in my backgarden and putting axies in it lol, Whatcha think?? Reckon they would like 10ft diameter pool and 4ft deep ?

im thinking about setting up a 10ft fast set paddling pool in my backgarden and putting axies in it lol, Whatcha think?? Reckon they would like 10ft diameter pool and 4ft deep ?


You're gonna need a bigger turkey baster.
Ahahaa aaron! You could casually go swimming with the axies :L

I was looking on youtube at big fish tanks And thinking what if you put a captive axie in like a 5000gal tank.. They'd have a fit! Id live trying to aquascape that.. So funn!

Good if this tank is four ft then its too cheap to NOT try and get.. Doubt my mum could say no!
Buildings are ALOT stronger than you'd think. (And its almost terrifyingly so. In fact, no, it IS terrifying.)

And if your home can't handle the tank on the second floor, you have ALOT more problems than new axolotls downstairs. Besides, 40 isn't that old really. ...Unless 40 years ago, they had lots of controversy with builders stealing materials whilst building homes and running off to... wherever people go when they escape your country. Then, I'd be very worried.

But like, don't go get 1000 gallons or something. I mean like, within reason. Now, if you have a bad history of leaks or termites or something, and didn't get the home inspected for stability, I'd be scared. But there's probably an inspector of some type you can call for a minimal fee just to make sure its cool.
Since I've been on vacation all week, and I'm just now reading through most of this thread, I'm going to throw my $0.02 on everything.

Filters: Use an external canister filter, rather than multiple internal filters. Internal filters will raise the temperature of your tank, and create strange flows. By using a canister filter, you can put the intake on one end of the tank, and the outflow (use a spraybar!) at the other end. This eliminates dead spots, and canister filters don't put out that much heat.

Pools: putting your axolotls outdoors is dangerous for a number of reasons. Think predators: cats, birds, neighborhood hoodlums. Then think temperature: can you control it? What about direct sunlight?
Thanks kaysie but Ive already said i cant afford a canister filter though, even though i think they do look better and i think aaron was kidding about the pool :)

Yeah i think i will go for whatever i can get first either three foot or four!
See if Rena brand filters are available in the UK. They're quite decently priced, and are good filters.
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