


Well, just to share with you, I have my axolotl's for i think about a half year now. And the week before new year there where spermcones all over my tank, i removed those because i thought my girl was to young for baby's but probably i was to late removing them. On 31 december 23:30 she begon laying eggs all over the place and on 1 january 19:00 she was ready. I think there were about 600 to 700 eggs in the tank. I removed all the eggs and put them in buckets end floating 'offspring' bucket (don't know how to call those..) i kept about a hunderd of eggs and culled the rest. they're now about to hatch i think, and i have aquariums all over the place and brine shrimps in buckets.. I'm so happy! I'm thinking of keeping 2 for myself, a lot of my friends want some and even a place called 'Hortus Botanicus' with plant and tree display's want some for in their aquariums.

sorry for the many pics!
1 jan 2006, the first few eggs

4 jan first formations

5 jan further formation

8 jan, even further formation (gills visible)

10 jan, looks like a little axie ;)

10 jan, looks like a little axie (2nd pic)
omg, my axie had her eggs on the 1st too and my eggs are about the same stage, i find myself sitting watching them for movement lol.

the movements are really cool to watch, also i expect them to hatch today or at least tomorrow. Does anyone know when i can tell the colour of the little ones? they all seem wild type like because of the brown colour but i'm not sure if that's the colour they will be.. (father was white, not albino and the mother wild type, not sure what kind of colour the parents of them where..)
Have they hatched yet, thats so spooky my have exactly the same coloured parents!! I think there is some golden on my wildtype!

Good luck, Oh and how cute are baby brine shrimp, i feel so awful I used to keep them when we had a sea monkey fad.
No they didn't hatch yet
I hope nothing is wrong, because they seem ready to hatch for about 3 day's now.. They still move now and then, so they aren't dead.. Yesterday in the morning there were small bubbles around the eggs, and some of them were floating, but that is gone now. Anybody knows what that was?

How are your eggs doing Jenny?
Baby brine shrimp are really small, and they freak me out a bit. Weird little creatures...
no mine haven'y hatched either, but it is cold here and it takes longer for them to do so if it's cold 'I here' mine are all movin round too so I don't think it will be too long now, I've had a few not feritle and removed them and a few that were obviously deformed that i got rid of 2. Hope all is well
You know that brine shrimp loos like half their nutrition after they devower their eg sacs adn start swimming freely, the other way to keep them pumped with nutrition is the give tham a nutritios meal before giving them to your axies.

One question HOW THE HECK TO YOU HATCH THE SHRIMP, im been trying for a long time and i nthink they hatch because the eggs flat at the top but in the middle is all this floating white thinks that dont move, you think its because of the over airation(mine is bubling viguesly in a 2l bottl) or the decloarinated drops.
Do you guys use straight tap water with the clorine, declorination drops, water from your tanks or water thats been out in the sun for a while?
I have a hatchery in my tropical tank, it does not mix with the water but sticks to the side i think the warmth helps, Yes they do need salt I think it says a measurement on the packets if you look. hope this helps x
sorry i forgot to mention it but i do use salt, i ust thought it was ovious and i didnt need to mention it, sorry,

The airation is from a pump, and my hatchery is a home made one.
yay! first 2 have hatched! They don't do much tho, just laying on the floor..
thanks! there are 6 of them now! i think the most of them are there tomorrow in the morning..
congrats! i have about 30 now i think. They are doing well! i had 1 that had a weird bump on his back and was laying on his back so i took it out because it wasn't moving. The rest is doing fine. they don't eat yet but i think they will tomorrow.

How are your 2 baby's doing?
Do you have everything ready for all of them? I think the most of your eggs will hatch tomorrow and the day after. I only have a few left in the eggs.

Edit: Forgot a picture:

(Message edited by leslie_nl on January 17, 2006)That wasn't going very well..

(Message edited by leslie_nl on January 17, 2006)
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Stipe wrote on Sunday, 15 January, 2006 - 13:26 :</font>

""<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

I have made a little setup for it, also i use "Sera Artemia-mix". It contains eggs and the right amount of salt and stuff. You only have to add 500ml of tap water to it and airate it.

Artemia Mix:


how sweet?! Yup everything ready for them , brine shrimp at the ready lol
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