Well, just to share with you, I have my axolotl's for i think about a half year now. And the week before new year there where spermcones all over my tank, i removed those because i thought my girl was to young for baby's but probably i was to late removing them. On 31 december 23:30 she begon laying eggs all over the place and on 1 january 19:00 she was ready. I think there were about 600 to 700 eggs in the tank. I removed all the eggs and put them in buckets end floating 'offspring' bucket (don't know how to call those..) i kept about a hunderd of eggs and culled the rest. they're now about to hatch i think, and i have aquariums all over the place and brine shrimps in buckets.. I'm so happy! I'm thinking of keeping 2 for myself, a lot of my friends want some and even a place called 'Hortus Botanicus' with plant and tree display's want some for in their aquariums.
sorry for the many pics!
1 jan 2006, the first few eggs
4 jan first formations
5 jan further formation
8 jan, even further formation (gills visible)
10 jan, looks like a little axie
10 jan, looks like a little axie (2nd pic)
sorry for the many pics!
1 jan 2006, the first few eggs
4 jan first formations
5 jan further formation
8 jan, even further formation (gills visible)
10 jan, looks like a little axie
10 jan, looks like a little axie (2nd pic)