Axolotl skin change and spots

New member
Feb 26, 2023
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Hi everyone,
Long time using this website but first time posting and joining. I thought I'd share an interesting part of my axolotl journey. My male axolotl started getting spots on him about 2 years ago, and bringing him into an exotic vet to get the skin biopsied showed no abnormalities so I wanted to share and see if anyone else had ever experienced this with their axolotl? I'm in the animal industry as a vet nurse and I've never seen or heard of this before. As you can see on the photos provided they are all small white spots- not fury or spreading but just singular. He started off with one and now has many.

salt baths/ fridging or Indian almond leaves have never reduced these spots either!

If they're spots and not fungus, then salt baths and fridging are only doing harm and not good.
It's completely normal for axolotols to lose pigmentation and we've had a couple others on here lately with wild types almost essentially end up becoming leucistics.
If they're spots and not fungus, then salt baths and fridging are only doing harm and not good.
It's completely normal for axolotols to lose pigmentation and we've had a couple others on here lately with wild types almost essentially end up becoming leucistics.
Do you know If there was a cause?
My girl has a dark spot under her mouth. This happened to my boy a few months ago and he passed a few weeks later. I’m so worried… any ideas on what this is?
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1