The worms are still alive in the tank but I'll take them out, I don't want them to die!
I don't have any waxworms that are full grown on me but I do breed them and intended to buy some more for my lizards soon; I'll either find the biggest one in my lot or when I get some more in about a week I'll try it then, whichever comes first.
Today he is significantly less sideways and while I've only been back a few hours (had to come check on him and the sick boyfriend, urg, all these sick guys), he's still sitting contently on the floor. Though he didn't eat the worms. I have him again in his tub and no luck so far.
I realize after this past two weeks or so of frantically trying to figure out the problem that miscare was the problem...I never have had an amphibian, and I suppose I was treating him similar to my fish. I cleaned his tank almost weekly before and for that time he was good; after all this new information and time spent thinking and working to fix the problem, his getting sick seems to correlate with when I got plants- I think they made the tank extra nasty, and so his week/week and a half tank cleanings weren't enough, since two or three of them died. I plan on cleaning it weekly and changing some of his water throughout the week on the days I'm here, and keeping a close eye on the remaining plants that are in there (they appear healthy). On top of that I have an ammonia test kit now and plan on using it fairly regularly.
I cannot get a larger tank at the moment. We simply don't have the room. Once my boyfriend and I move out in a few months I will try my best to upgrade Snoop because I want him to do well. But until then I will take the measures I must to make his 10g work for him. I was apparently misinformed when I bought him as to what he needs, and while I and my boyfriend did some research once we got him, I guess basically we were just not prepared. I take care of hardy lizards, cats, dogs, and fish (not that that means I do not clean and care for them- I certainly do- but they do not need things as pristine as Snoop nor do they have some of the same requirements). I was not ready for such a squishy little guy- I didn't realize he was so sensitive. But I have him and I am not going to let him suffer if I can help it; I pride myself in taking care of my animals. I appreciate everyone's help very much on this thread because I have learned a lot and feel much more confident in taking care of the little dude. He may not be eating quite yet but he seems much healthier and his tank much nicer to live in. I still plan on giving updates until he is fully functional again. You guys are awesome and I'm glad you took the time to help me out.