Axolotl calcium


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Oct 11, 2010
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How does someone provide calcium to an axolotl? Is it possible to do it without feeding the animal livefood?
How does someone provide calcium to an axolotl? Is it possible to do it without feeding the animal livefood?

An Axolotl could easily absorb the calcium through its skin. So just the presence of calcium in the water could be enough.

My question is how much calcium do Axolotls need? I read that Axies have a sensitivity to calcium, although nothing authoritative.

"Other foods, such as mealworms, are quite low in calcium, which can lead to a number of problems"

"I toyed with the idea of dropping some oyster shells in the tank to raise the pH but axolotls are too sensitive to the calcium that is produced by the shells."

"There was a complication, as I found out I was using calcium based sand."

(Google the quotes for sources/context)

Anyone have anything definitive?

Um :D i have crushed oyster shells in a stocking in my tank to raise the PH as mine was too low, my axies are okay.
But if your Ph was okay in the first place i can see where the problems would come in :p

Turtle - Im struggling to think though, why someone wouldnt want to feed their axies live food as this is their main diet, what else would you feed them?
Axolotl pellets are supposed to supply all the calcium an axie needs, but I wouldn't feed my axies exclusively on pellets - I tried once and they just got constipated and the uneaten pellets fouled the water. Worms contain all the calcium axies need.
Um :D i have crushed oyster shells in a stocking in my tank to raise the PH as mine was too low, my axies are okay.
But if your Ph was okay in the first place i can see where the problems would come in :p

Turtle - Im struggling to think though, why someone wouldnt want to feed their axies live food as this is their main diet, what else would you feed them?
Well, my mom is strict when it comes to giving live animals to my pets.
Well an axies diet is live food :( you could feed them pellets and give them some frozen bloodworm but its not the best thing for them, and then you have to store the bloodworm in the freezer. Could you not keep a worm farm outside and only bring the worms in the house to feed them?
Well an axies diet is live food :( you could feed them pellets and give them some frozen bloodworm but its not the best thing for them, and then you have to store the bloodworm in the freezer. Could you not keep a worm farm outside and only bring the worms in the house to feed them?

Well, I guess I prefer not to buy one, but thanks everyone.
That is extremely unhealthy for your pet. There are essential nutrients that axolotls get from eating a bug whole certain things in the organs and what not that cannot be replaced.... I beg you to reconsider.
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