Axolotl belly up


New member
Aug 7, 2024
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United States
My sons Axolotl is about 2in long and was stressed and has the slime coating and wasn’t eating for 1 week, so the pet store advised to put almond leaves in the tank. Started eating and was active around the tank and was also on top of the sponge filter once. He ate a large piece of krill 2 days ago and hasn’t eaten since. He was sitting on the almond leaf in the tank this morning and this evening he was belly up on the leaf with a small protrusion of what looks like part of the krlll coming out of his underside near the tail.


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what are your tanks parameters ie.. temperature, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph, kh, gh.
tub in cold (around 15°c) dechlorinated water, shallow enough to prevent roll over, use 50% holtfreters + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate if possible, if not use 2g/l non-iodised salt + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate (pure epsom salts), or 2g/l pond/aquarium tonic salts.
almond leaves can be also crushed and used similar to tea to make a extract which can be used.
depending on nitrite/nitrate levels methylene blue baths may be required.
what are your tanks parameters ie.. temperature, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph, kh, gh.
tub in cold (around 15°c) dechlorinated water, shallow enough to prevent roll over, use 50% holtfreters + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate if possible, if not use 2g/l non-iodised salt + 0.1g/l magnesium sulphate (pure epsom salts), or 2g/l pond/aquarium tonic salts.
almond leaves can be also crushed and used similar to tea to make a extract which can be used.
depending on nitrite/nitrate levels methylene blue baths may be required.
Water was just tested at store Amonia was spot on per the tank has a gage on it. Temp is consistent at 68 degrees. He didn’t make but I’d really like thoughts on what could have happened. When he was stressed I put him in the fridge and removed the fish from the tank that were causing the stress per the pet store. Thoughts?
sorry for your loss.
temperature was a bit high, ideal being 59°f-64°f, the fish can be a factor depending on species.
fridging can be lethal, very low temperatures can cause organs to shut down and should only be a last resort.
although tank gauges can be used as a warning testing of the water still needs to be done periodically.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1