They use the chimera technique for mutant studies. If a mutant is destined to die of some mutation in the head or chest before it can be studied, they make a chimera out of a normal upper half and a mutant lower half w/ gonads. When they reach adulthood, they can breed 2 chimeras and be assured of 100% mutant eggs, which they can study at all stages. With regular carriers they would only be assured of 25% mutant eggs, and they would not be noticable until they were already dying.
They do make chimeras by cutting the embryos in half and then holding the halves together for 24 hours in a form. They fuse by themselves.
Incidently, I saw a wildtype-leucistic chimera today that looked just like the picture Mike posted, but it was completely normal. This is because you have to do the procedure way before the symptoms set in, so you don't know whether you've linked a mutant with a normal until much later - either through breeding or seeing if they chimera you made with the potentially affected parts dies. Sometimes the potentially affected half is kept alive in Holtfeter's solution until the point at which symptoms set in.
And I probably just gave everyone on this board nightmares for weeks. ;P
(Message edited by Lollia on February 12, 2005)