Monica, I read over the net that the sand eventually over time settles with the clay stuff
and the only way to make it look as though it hasn't is to add another layer of sand. This is why I decided not to go with it, but have you had any problems with it as of yet?
Anubias is a very pretty plant
Eventually I will like to get some. I just recently purchased some Anacharis and more fox tail plants. I now have 4 foxtail, two Anarcharis, one tall red Ludwigia, several bunches of Java moss, duck weed covering the entire water surface area and some curly and straight Dracaena (lucky bamboo)
. Which I am very happy to say all is doing well. I also have some Aponogeton bulbs growing and so far many have sprouted and have large leaves on them. I also have Hygrophila buds that came in with the duckweed and they are growing very nicely too. I will be able to plant them soon
. There is also a mystery plant that I have yet to find the name of growing rather nicely.
Do you have any more pictures of your tank? I would love to see them!