Question: Are these eggs? and if so what do I do :)

Re: Egg's so what to do?

I'd split them into three groups if you can.....then just watch...if any start to go grey or fuzzy then suck out with a turkey baster. Any that begin to turn crescent shaped are good so you could transfers about a dozen or so to another container....and at this point I would then freeze all the rest and dispose of them.
Sounds heartless but unless you've got hours of spare time, then about a dozen will be a good first number!
Read up on egg and larvae development...then fingers crossed!
Just noticed you are in S E too.....just use normal dechlorinator for the water you put the eggs in. Our hardness is a positive tho!I agree the eggs do look infertile.....almost like little mushrooms in the jelly!
Lots of good info online about egg and larvae development
cool and okay :) thanks!, some look very round and a few are more egg shaped or look squished! Charlotte
Re: Egg's so what to do?

I'd split them into three groups if you can.....then just watch...if any start to go grey or fuzzy then suck out with a turkey baster. Any that begin to turn crescent shaped are good so you could transfers about a dozen or so to another container....and at this point I would then freeze all the rest and dispose of them.
Sounds heartless but unless you've got hours of spare time, then about a dozen will be a good first number!
Read up on egg and larvae development...then fingers crossed!

Okay thank you :) I will do that now! And then to wait x
Re: Egg's so what to do?

I'd split them into three groups if you can.....then just watch...if any start to go grey or fuzzy then suck out with a turkey baster. Any that begin to turn crescent shaped are good so you could transfers about a dozen or so to another container....and at this point I would then freeze all the rest and dispose of them.
Sounds heartless but unless you've got hours of spare time, then about a dozen will be a good first number!
Read up on egg and larvae development...then fingers crossed!

This is how they are looking :) any ideas on once hatched what to put them in?


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So this is how they are looking! :) will the others be any good from the look of them? I have decided I am going to try daphnia and lookong to get going with that today (Think I understand.) Now this is were I get abit stuck, I understand they need to be in shallow water and split big from little. So I will have a couple of tubs ready. But as they get to a re homing size will I need to be keeping them in a tank? Amy tips or what you do would be very helpful :)

Thank you, Charlotte


  • 20150322_115241.jpg
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The ones that are still round won't develop, assuming they are all the same age. So you can take those out and dispose of them.

How to raise your babies depends on many things such as, how many eggs you have, how much room you have to spread out containers, how much time you have, and so on.

Individual containers have the advantage that they don't nip each other, but they take a lot of space and require 100% water changes, like, twice a day.

Big tubs work and you can use a filter in them to reduce water changes, but expect some nipped limbs. That can be minimized by making sure there is plenty of food and providing plants or whatever to provide cover.

They don't need to go in a tank before rehoming, as long as you are able to keep their water conditions good where they are at.
This is a great thread. Thanks so much for the question and answers. My female wildtype is laying eggs now and so far they ALL are dark with a well defined white dot - was wondering if that was right. And this answered that question :) It's her first clutch so am worried about her and the eggs.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1