• Axolotls are illegal in California. Please read this thread for detailed information and links to the actual laws: https://www.caudata.org/threads/axolotls-are-illegal-in-california-here-are-the-relevant-laws.30779/
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Question: Are these eggs? and if so what do I do :)


New member
Aug 25, 2013
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south east England
United Kingdom
Hello, I hope someone can help :)
I have a feeling my axolotls have laid eggs, brought as tiny baby's I had no clue of sex but a few months back had some odd sludgy stuff in the tank and thought nothing of it but now (photos attached) this actually looks like photos of eggs I have seen. I have two albino's one gold one pink. If these are egg's I am very excited and would really appreciate some guidance and the hard truth about what I would need to do to look after them.

Any and all help appreciated :)

Kind regards, Charlotte


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They do look like eggs, but the ones in the first pic look infertile to me. Can't tell on the others. Axolotl.org has an embryo development log that shows pics of the development of fertile eggs.
They do look like eggs, but the ones in the first pic look infertile to me. Can't tell on the others. Axolotl.org has an embryo development log that shows pics of the development of fertile eggs.

Okay thank you I will try look it up and also post better photos tomorrow :) what could be the reasoning for infertile eggs?
thank you for reply
""The eggs are white due to the mother being an albino (normal axolotl eggs are dark brown). They were removed from their parents' aquarium and hatched over a two week period in a small 45x25x20 cm tank (18x10x8 inches). The water temperature was maintained at a little over 20 °C and very light aeration was provided at one end of the tank by a small airstone with airpump.""

Could this be the case and if so what do I need to buy to look after them? :)
From what I've read of other peoples experiences, it isn't uncommon for a first batch of eggs to contain a lot of duds. In a few days, you can tell if they are duds or not, since the shape will change if they are fertile.
From what I've read of other peoples experiences, it isn't uncommon for a first batch of eggs to contain a lot of duds. In a few days, you can tell if they are duds or not, since the shape will change if they are fertile.

Okay thank you :) do I leave them in the axolotls tank? Or do I need to move them into something else?
Have you ever hatched baby brine shrimp? They are an excellent first food for young axies. (They won't eat non-moving food until they are a few weeks old.)

You may have a bunch more eggs over the next few days. Axolotls babies are time-consuming to care for, so you probably only want to raise a small number of them. People will be willing to buy your extras, and I think you can send them via mail where you are at. Just wait until you know for sure they are not duds.
Move them to another container. It doesn't have to be very big. I don't even aerate the eggs I've hatched. Just change the water every day or so with chlorine-free water of the same temperature. Axolotls are even more sensitive to chemicals when young, so if you only have chlorine and not chloramine, just let the water age to remove the chlorine rather than worrying about the safety of your dechlorinator.
Does your pink one have white eyes or black eyes? I can't tell from the picture. :happy:
No I have never done brine shrimp befor but have just done alot of reading and think I can do it ;)

Yes she is still poping them all over! And both my axolotls have white eyes :)

So can I put them in a plastic take out box? I have three small tank like things but they are very small you can fit a hand in one :) And would water from the axolotls tank be okay as our tap water is very chlorinated? And not to worry about airing them or putting a thermostat in if hot enough in the room? If I put them On my hedgehogs viv they will be kept warm :)

Thank you! :)


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A take-out container works great. Don't keep them warm - room temp is fine (unless your room is too hot). Tank water will work to start with, but if you can get clean, dechlorinated water for water changes, that would be better. (Most simple dechlorinators are safe if used strictly according to directions, but it is easy to overdo it in small volumes of water.)

Since both of your axies have white eyes, all of your babies will be albino. Either 50% or 100% will be golden, depending if your gold one has a leucistic gene or not. :)
Room temperature here in the uk will be fine.99 per cent of my females first batch were duds.....and the two that did hatch curled and died :-(((((......... But this was my experience and you may have more success. Third batch from an older female were 99 per cent viable so things are often different.
The reason I say the eggs in the first pic look like duds is that the white section inside looks too big. Maybe it's just the picture. Albinos and golden albinos lay white eggs, that's normal, but there should be a small well developed white dot in the middle instead of a big white cloudy blur. Look for eggs with a round white dot the size of your female's eye- those are most likely to be fertile. Sorry I'm not describing it very well... It's very common to have lots of losses in a females first clutch.
A take-out container works great. Don't keep them warm - room temp is fine (unless your room is too hot). Tank water will work to start with, but if you can get clean, dechlorinated water for water changes, that would be better. (Most simple dechlorinators are safe if used strictly according to directions, but it is easy to overdo it in small volumes of water.)

Since both of your axies have white eyes, all of your babies will be albino. Either 50% or 100% will be golden, depending if your gold one has a leucistic gene or not. :)

Thank you :) am going to start moving them soon, if not duds and they do start to develop what will I need?
Room temperature here in the uk will be fine.99 per cent of my females first batch were duds.....and the two that did hatch curled and died :-(((((......... But this was my experience and you may have more success. Third batch from an older female were 99 per cent viable so things are often different.

Thank you :) I am sorry to hear that. I am expecting the same thing to happen!
Charlotte x
In pic 2, the top 3 look good and the bottom three look bad- see the difference? It could just be the lighting, hard to tell for sure in pics. In your last pic, all of them look good, so you might get some babies. What you need to raise babies is lots and lots of small live foods. I would recommend keeping maybe 10-20 from this batch while you learn how to care for them. It quickly gets overwhelming with hundreds of little mouths to feed.
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The reason I say the eggs in the first pic look like duds is that the white section inside looks too big. Maybe it's just the picture. Albinos and golden albinos lay white eggs, that's normal, but there should be a small well developed white dot in the middle instead of a big white cloudy blur. Look for eggs with a round white dot the size of your female's eye- those are most likely to be fertile. Sorry I'm not describing it very well... It's very common to have lots of losses in a females first clutch.
oh I okay yes I see what you mean, I have just done a eye comparison and they appear to be around the same size as my gold albino's eye. I am not expecting any if even a few to be successful but now I know my axolotls are a breeding pair I would very much like to know all I can and this piece of inginformation is very helpful thank you :)
In pic 2, the top 3 look good and the bottom three look bad- see the difference? And in the last pic, all of them look good, so you might get some babies. What you need to raise babies is lots and lots of small live foods. I would recommend keeping maybe 10-20 from this batch while you learn how to care for them. It quickly gets overwhelming with hundreds of little mouths to feed.
Okay cool :) thats good news!I will Keep my fingers crossed. Okay thank you :) how much would that many eat? And also how many eggs to a container and then what will I do about housing them once opened? :) (feeling the pressure already!)
charlotte x
Egg's so what to do?

Now confirmed these are eggs what do I do with them? I have two more container's that I can split them up into.
Is it okay for the eggs to be clumped up like in the photos?
I plan to hatch them but am not to sure about what to keep them in and water etc :) any and all help welcome,


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Just noticed you are in S E England.......me too.....just use normal dechlorinator for the water you put the eggs in. Our hardness is a positive tho!I agree the eggs do look infertile.....almost like little mushrooms in the jelly!
Lots of good info online about egg and larvae development
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
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