Aquarium setup pictures needed!

Strange, I was so sure I had allready posted my setups. Bizar. Maybe in a wrong topic
Here they are then.

This tank houses 2 cynops orientalis.

The tank is 60x30x30cm
On the left you see a piece of driftwood wich provides a small landarea (and hides the filter that is behind it)
On the rock on the right I'm trying to get some javamoss growing. I have no idea what the other plants are named, but you may know them.
Oh yes, next to the driftwood I created a small hiding place using a black plastic flowerpot.

My second tank houses 6 pleurodeles waltl

The tank measures 120x40x50cm (but water is only halfway at 25 cm - incl gravel)
The left side is densely planted and has a lamp so the plants would grow during winter as well (don't get enough light in now) The center part is somewhat more open. Here you find the filter. This is also the part where they are being fed.

A close up of the right side:

I made this using aquariumbackgrounds and aquariumsilicones (read manual before using it!).
The lower part creates a big hiding place where they all can go in at the same time. But they're also pretty well covered when sitting on top of that 'cave'.
Just below surface is another platform. If they're on this level their back will come out of the water, but not their head. They like this a lot. (If they want it the other way - head out, back in; they use the plants) There's also a little platform above it (now covered with moss, not in picture) in case they want to go totally on land, but they haven't done so so far.

I now hope these pictures end up in the right topic
Looks nice. I had rocks first as well.
You may have to concider removing them. I see a lot of sharp edges. And pleuros are nasty sexmaniacs. When they grab eachother arms, there's no stopping them.
One of my pleuro's got heavley wounded by crawling between rocks. (had same kinda construction). As she moved hard rocks must have shifted. She survived, but she got very lucky.

I'm not saying you have to remove the rocks. If you've had it like this for ages it will probably be secure.

How many pleuro's do you have (and for how long)?

Rocks stay solid if you silicone them together,give it a try.
Didn't have silicones at that time

My new "cave" is siliconed.

Didn't use the rocks as I was concerned about sharp edges. Don't you think my selfmade construction is a great alternative? I like it and so do my newts. Must admit that rocks <u>look</u> better.
Very cool tank. I got the rocks siliconed together too. By doing so you could do some interesting caves without risk.
Best wishes
Thank you for your comments. My rocks construction is according to me very secured. I had never particular problems with it in the past. I join 2 other photos one is a part of my tank (Riccia) and one of my 3 pleuro.



(Message edited by jennewt on January 16, 2004)
Hi all,

Thanks for your comments. It has been housed for fires, 2 couples.
Hi Zuccone,
what size is this vivarium? Is it real bark in the background?
A really cool setup!
Hi Fabian,

It measures 100cm*50*50 with real bark in the background fixed with polyurethane foam (I am not sure of the material denomination in english)

May I donate my "GRASS" Tank? Full of Kentucky Bluegrass Lawn.

Cool setups you all have here.

I've a suggestion; I am at a big fish forum/site and they provided all members with a some space, juz a few megs to put up an album of their fishes; available for viewing to anyone who visits the site. If can do the same, that would be cool.
What maintenence do you have to do to the fire sal viv. Substrate/water changes? Frequency?
Chris: The toads, as burrowing animals, they destroyed it. It is mostly dirt now. The grass does try to regrow, just the toads wont allow it.

Im growing grass in another 20 gallon and will try fire or maybe triturus sallies in it soon. I have seen photo where triturus live where it i grass infested. The sallies may not destroy it as much although the fires burrow somewhat.

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