Congrats on your animals, haven't been active on the forums in a long time and I'm glad to see you've had success with them!
I have three lugubris, and was surprised to see two sets of tiny eyes staring out at me when I went to return an animal to the enclosure (I'd taken him out to show some kids when I was doing a program at work), and then found eight more with the parents (both adults were in the hide, if I remember right - I was a bit excited so it might have just been the mother). Definitely didn't do anything special, aside from the terrarium design - a flowerpot hide on its side, opening mostly covered in clayed-up wood, and a clay background with lots of tiny cracks - the little guys seemed to love hiding in the cracks as I raced to remove them from the parent tank, afraid they'd be eaten. Three weeks later, I found another little guy, so I was wondering, did you notice (or have any chance to notice) any potential cannibalism from the adults? He was out in the open, just a few inches from the adult I don't believe he's related to, and hadn't been eaten in that time - I was half tempted to leave him in there just to see how he'd do, but don't really want to risk it.