Almost ready, but T. grans???

Well poop! Those turds! Every consider robbery??? J/k I'll definitely keep checking for you, maybe I'll hunt down that Taricha hogger and give him a few slaps until he surrenders! That still just blows my mind... That's terrible about the shop by you. I wonder if you gave a down-payment, if they'd order them?? fjkslajfkdsjalfjslsf some people... Best wishes to you!!! Like I said, I'll definitely }}keep my eye out.

<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"></font><font color="aa00aa">Update: My glass isn't ready yet, I'm assuming it's being polished or waiting to be polished. I'll probably go pick up my new newt friends on thursday or friday and keep them in a temp tank in the basement until Sunday morning (which should be the day my project tank is done curing). I'll post pics in the North American newts section as soon as I get them!</font>

~Thanks for all the help again!!

I actually prefer that they don't make special orders for just anyone. Keeps people who don't know what they're doing from getting rare/expensive/hard to keep animals. They're really awesome, and I keep bugging the owner to give me a job ;) That'd cut down on the amount of money I spend there, at least; getting the employee discount. lol.
Yeah really. I understand. I was going to say something like that before, about them not wanting to sell to just anyone but it ended up sounding really be-littling and just plain snooty, so I didn't say it
I'm glad they don't make orders for just anyone, too.

I would think that if you're trying to get a job and have been in before and already keep newts that they would be willing to order some for ya', though. It sounds like a nice place, I wish I had a store that new more about newts. I'm getting some free rock and discounted anacharis, lettuce and the like from work which is going to be really nice. Good luck with the job and finding the Tarichas!!


(Message edited by lindsay on May 18, 2005)
Joan, what part of Michigan?
I am in the metro Detroit area (macomb county), and there is a store near me that frequently has good looking t. granulosa newts. I myself keep 4 adults in a 20 gallon long (although I had never bought one at that store). It is possible that all of mine are male, because I have witnessed each one attmempt the amplexus pose on another, especially for some reason when I drop food in the tank (especially if I feed favorites like waxworms). They do not get intentionally agressive though.
Mine usually stay aquatic, although they will wander onto the land areas for a while too. I don't know about anyone else, but I would find it a little difficult to keep them in say 10 inches of water, because if I give them food at the surface, it would be more difficult for them to eat I would think...
Mine for example seem to enjoy a depth of about 5 to 6 inches.

A 10g tank for 2 T.g. will be okay. I keep about 9" of water in my 10g that houses 2 T.g. There are various items that you can use for land areas. Turtle docks are nice, and the synthetic lily pads. Petco carries a pack of 3 lilly pads, various sizes. They are mounted on a foam pad so the plant remains floating even with "newt weight"

I am using a Whisper10i for filtration. I added a mesh bag filled with ceramic rings. This is for added bio filtration. Only rinse this in treated water, or the original aquarium water when cleaning. This way the bacteria will not die. Just reuse this same medium, even though you will change the charcoal pad. Although they don't look like much, I have had really good luck with these filters.

Put a food dish of some kind on the tank bottom. Tarichas love the water, and will swim down to get their food. It won't take them long to figure out where dinner is served. I feed earthworms, and bloodworms. And these guys DO beg!
Mark, I live in Lansing, but frequent the Wixom area. If you could PM me the name of the store, I'd love to check them out. I just revamped my female's 20gal into an aquatic setup. I have it planted mostly with pothos (they're about 6" tall, and the leaves stick out of the water), plus I have an artificial silk vine that's all bunched up, with a lego island and some rocks, and the ever present pvc tubes. She likes hanging out in the vine. Right now I have a whisper waterfall type filter (borrowed from the boyfriend for the time being) but I'd like to get another duetto internal filter. I really like the one I have in my other tank.

Pam's right. They're shameless beggars. And have no trouble finding food.
Let me guess Joan, the shop near near you is Pruess (spelling?) A great store in Lansing, I live in England and I know about it! But I suppose It's not by coincidence, as my family's from Michigan.
Hi everyone!

I like, and use the Duettos also. And I prefer them over the Fluval internals.

Just wanted to give you all a mail order contact for supplies: AquariumGuys. Their net address is Their prices are great, speedy delivery, and reasonable ship costs.
Preuss's Animal House of Haslett has world acclaim. I'll have to let them know!

Aquarium guys is awesome. If you order a lot of stuff, it's SO worth the shipping. One day I bought $150 worth of stuff from them *blush*. But it was worth it for the 6 penguin cartridges for $10!
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