Well poop! Those turds! Every consider robbery??? J/k I'll definitely keep checking for you, maybe I'll hunt down that Taricha hogger and give him a few slaps until he surrenders! That still just blows my mind... That's terrible about the shop by you. I wonder if you gave a down-payment, if they'd order them?? fjkslajfkdsjalfjslsf some people... Best wishes to you!!! Like I said, I'll definitely }}keep my eye out.
<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"></font><font color="aa00aa">Update: My glass isn't ready yet, I'm assuming it's being polished or waiting to be polished. I'll probably go pick up my new newt friends on thursday or friday and keep them in a temp tank in the basement until Sunday morning (which should be the day my project tank is done curing). I'll post pics in the North American newts section as soon as I get them!</font>
~Thanks for all the help again!!

<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"></font><font color="aa00aa">Update: My glass isn't ready yet, I'm assuming it's being polished or waiting to be polished. I'll probably go pick up my new newt friends on thursday or friday and keep them in a temp tank in the basement until Sunday morning (which should be the day my project tank is done curing). I'll post pics in the North American newts section as soon as I get them!</font>
~Thanks for all the help again!!