Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all your help in preparing me for newt ownership! I'm sooo excited! I'm home from school now and I'm working on my newt tank. I'm constructing the "divided tank" setup- J.Macke- for them. I was looking around at all the stores I have around me and couldn't find one newt!! Any where! Today I had one last shot at a store that had been closed when I was checking earlier. I walked in today and saw a handful of T. grans!!! I had always liked them better than the fire-bellies but just took them out of my mind because I didn't think I'd be able to find them and thought I should start out with fire bellies. Since the newts will live for quite a while if properly taken care of, I would rather bring home a newt I really want. Would you guys suggest I go ahead and get the T. grans (2)? Am I correct in assuming they'd need more terrestrial area than firebellies would? I can take this into consideration as I'm building their setup. They were all huddled up on a piece of cork bark floating in the tank! help please...thanks! ~Lindsay