Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!
@Aeon: That was the clearest pic I had of the tail, he just likes to move so much! Yeah, I'll have to find a siphon that is small enough to suck up the debris at the bottom of the tank without disturbing him, though seeing him now he'll probably sniff and snap at it.
url=]Caudata Culture Species Entry - Pachytriton - Paddletail[/url] << This had a breeding section about the white spots on the tail (they're in similar positions on both sides of the tail), so I just want to double-check that it's not an infection or anything. He doesn't seem sick though.
It's now monsoon season (our version of winter), which means rain rain and more rain. It's quite cooling now, so I just leave him alone without too much sunlight filtering through (need them for the plants).
My top two priorities now for him are to get an appropriate cover (wire mesh fitted with stretched netting, ask dad for his fruit cover bag thingies, those have tiny holes.) and a siphon for tank cleaning.
@Seth: Looks like a P.labiatus to me
He has all those characteristics. Brownish colouring, some orange spots dotting the line of his body, classic red-orange and black mottling on his underbelly, larger paddle-like tail. And highly aggressive? He just spots me and swims over to meet me, and then engages my finger in a 'follow me' game.
More pics from last night, I managed to catch him eating as well.
Paddletail newt feeding - YouTube