All around help on newt/salamander care required!

Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Have you checked everything in the tank? If you haven't, she could be inside any hollow ornaments, or hiding under something. It's also possible that it's hiding towards the top of the tank, under the lip. Best of luck.
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I doubt that it could clime up stairs, I guess it is possible though. But I would think that it would take a while so I guess someone would notice, but since no one has I doubt it went upstairs. Good luck on finding her, the trays with water is a good idea.

Hope you find her soon! -Seth
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I'm sorry to hear that! Try putting out lots of wet towels and hopefully he'll show up in one.
Check the bathrooms too, every corner of them. When mine escape they always go straight to the showers
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I've checked the closest bathroom, and nope, she's not there. All glass sliding doors are closed at night, the wooden ones same, but it's still possible so I checked those as well. The tank is as empty as ever. I'm going to tear apart the store room under the stairs later, it's possible she hid inside there because the door sometimes refuses to close. That's the only one I can think of when the other spots have undisturbed dust monsters that are kinda scary.

I think stairs are possible, my dad slept at 10.30pm and I went downstairs at 8.30am. That's a big time gap there. Should I check the second floor too?

Sometimes I have this vision where my dad's arowana ate her :/ that thing eats centipedes as a protein boost...
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Nah not there either. :'(
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Okay, she vanished into thin air, no skeleton or the like. Mom got tired of me emo-ing and bought me another even though she hates all things lizard-like. That, and she said the tank would be wasted since it's already tailored to newt habitat.

Similar colouring and appearance, this one's fatter and more active (and more plump, yay!). It prefers to stay in the upper water levels of the tank by hanging around the plants or on top of the barrel ornament, and then breathe air above the surface of the water. It's far more interactive, follows my finger when I wave it around its area, seems to take earthworms quite well. I haven't managed to grab a full profile pic of it yet, but I notice a white spot or two near the end of its tail. The care sheet says it indicates that it's a male, but can someone confirm that for me?

Taking more precautions to prevent escape now.. :/


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Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I cant tell four sure but it looks like the same kind, do you know what kind it is? Looks good though! Congrats on a nice sal! Keep us updated on anything! :grin: -Seth
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Congrats on your new newt! Please read the preventing escape article thouroughly and choose a method to keep him in there. Singapore is hot, so a screen lid that allows air to flow over the surface of the water would be best to keep temps down.

As for the two spots on the tail, I can't see too clearly in the picture but if it looks like cotton fluff it could be fungus or dead skin it cannot shed. Both of these are signs of a stressed animal, also the fact that it's hanging out near the surface can be an indicator of stress in this species. Since your tank isn't cycled yet, keep it clean by doing about 20% water changes daily for about 2 weeks. This will make sure your newt always has clean water, and the spots should disappear soon. If not you may need to look into, salt, methylene blue, or tea bath treatments.
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

@Aeon: That was the clearest pic I had of the tail, he just likes to move so much! Yeah, I'll have to find a siphon that is small enough to suck up the debris at the bottom of the tank without disturbing him, though seeing him now he'll probably sniff and snap at it.
url=]Caudata Culture Species Entry - Pachytriton - Paddletail[/url] << This had a breeding section about the white spots on the tail (they're in similar positions on both sides of the tail), so I just want to double-check that it's not an infection or anything. He doesn't seem sick though.

It's now monsoon season (our version of winter), which means rain rain and more rain. It's quite cooling now, so I just leave him alone without too much sunlight filtering through (need them for the plants).

My top two priorities now for him are to get an appropriate cover (wire mesh fitted with stretched netting, ask dad for his fruit cover bag thingies, those have tiny holes.) and a siphon for tank cleaning.

@Seth: Looks like a P.labiatus to me :) He has all those characteristics. Brownish colouring, some orange spots dotting the line of his body, classic red-orange and black mottling on his underbelly, larger paddle-like tail. And highly aggressive? He just spots me and swims over to meet me, and then engages my finger in a 'follow me' game.

More pics from last night, I managed to catch him eating as well.
Paddletail newt feeding - YouTube


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Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Holy smokes! That thing can down a worm faster than anything! Super aggressive! He looks happy and healthy too, looks like a great setup to me. You can use ducked tape ( duck tape, ducked taped I am not sure which ) around the rim of the tank, but you'll also need to have a lid like thing on it too. I have ducked tape and a wooden lid I made on one of mine, no way they could escape. But remember to put holes in the lid so air can get in and out. Congrats! -Seth
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

@seth: duct tape/duct taped ;)

If the spots on the tail seem to be part of his natural patterning, then probably nothing to worry about :) Lots of newts have white dots lining their body, I think they are there for some sensory purpose.

Is your tank not covered yet? That should be the very first thing you do or you'll just have another lost newt. Till now keep it covered with something heavy, since those newts are masters of escape.

I live in the Philippines, it's monsoon here as well. I'm dreading the summer though, you know how hot it can get... I'm thinking about buying an icebox to keep my newts in during the summer months.
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I'm using some waterproof plastic foam thing and poked it full of holes and something heavy to to hold it down currently, until the next weekend where I can go find and buy what I need. I don't cover the tank when I'm at home, since I pass by the tank every few hours I reasoned he wouldn't escape that easily, not that he's trying anyway :) So far my mom complained of the aquatic smell last night (dad says it's smelly water) and I changed about half the water and rinsed the filter just now (efficient me takes 20 minutes and improvised items everywhere). I gotta study now, I have a test later in the afternoon. ;)

PS. We can't edit our post after a while? o_O" That's a little inconvenient...
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Well, if I were you, I would leave the top on 24/7. You shouldn't underestimate how quickly they can disappear. It's impressive how fast he can eat a worm though - he's very enthusiastic. :p
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Every few hours as in 1 or 2 hours, I worry easily after the previous traumatic experience. I have the tank easily in my sights now as I study, so I glance at it every few minutes to make sure all is well. :cool: I put the lid on if I'm leaving or going upstairs for more than an hour.

Yeah, at this rate, he'll chow all the worms down in no time! It's better than worrying about the worms dying before he wants to eat them though, loads better.
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

I would definitely recommend that you keep the lid on at all times, like Afronewtkeeper said. My little newt can climb to the top of his tank in minutes. If they are wet they have a real good grip an glass, like suction almost. He could escape in less than a hour for sure, probably wouldn't take him long at all. I would advise keeping the lid on, just in case.
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Okay :happy:

On another note, I think he just shed his skin! YAY! (it's a good thing right?) That, and he slurped a worm off my fingers while lounging on the plants. Ignore the bright lighting, it's late morning/early afternoon here.


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Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

NEVER leave the lid off. Even if you're watching he might jump out and hit the floor hard injuring himself. And all it takes is for you to be away for a minute for the newt to escape. Just open for feedings and that's it :)

Good that its shedding and eating earthworms so eagerly! I plan to get a paddletail myself soon :)
Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

Well, Takorr's (a name my friend gave him) happy and plump now. He loves to lounge on the plants just a few centimeters from the surface and hide in his barrel home with his head poking out.

I dumped 5 guppies into the tank when I saw live mosquito larvae, and now there isn't any, though there's only 3 guppies left, eh. He only comes and 'play' when he's hungry, and I use that to gauge whether he wants worms or is just moving around.

1st pic was taken today, the rest a few days ago. 2nd one is one of his favourite perches.


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Re: All rounded help on newt/salamander care required!

He looks great! Congrats!
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