Question: Advice with axolotls eggs

God you really scared me tonight, specially when they are arriving tomorrow! lol I did ask the guy there but he said he didn't know an awful lot but he said they would be fine. I'm guessing they use the same stuff to feed tropical baby fish. Anyhow its quite cheap there for the food (cheaper than ebay) so as long as they stock it I'll get the food from there (thats if they eat it).

I'll go ask about baby brine shrimp their too...just to be safe.

Thanks for your help mel! :)

If you get super stuck i can bring you some baby brine shrimp, dont worry.

I don't think heat will be a problem, I like to keep the flat fairly mild and it also pleases the land lady with her gas bills ;) I asked the guy at the store and he said they could live for weeks so I bought three bags which I reckon won't last me too long. Thanks for the offer, its good to know there is quick help out there when I need it :) Hopefully everything will be ok fingers crossed.
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Not a problem, glad to help. I'll PM you my number in case you need anything in an emergency.

Well I got my axie eggs a few days ago and they seem to be doing fine. I change some of the water every two days. Most off the eggs seem to be developing but about 3 don't seem to be at the moment. Do the larvae in the eggs start to move when they are near hatching?
they´ll begin to move after one week of developing and one week later they will hatch.

Good luck, Tina
If those three are definately not developing i would remove them.

Yeah I was thinking that I should move them into a separate container, but I don't really wanna touch them incase I damage any eggs, how would you remove them? Oh I bought a turkey baster which you told me to get.
The eggs are generally pretty hardy, they have lots of jelly round them.
I removed mine gently with my turkey baster. I had to use my hand to split the outer jelly gloop from the others.

Mine are developing nicely i had to remove 3 too.

Hey guys,
So far all is well, some of the the babies look like they will hatch very soon so I've set up my own brine shrimp hatchery with 2l bottles, air pump and eggs(WATERLIFE ARTEMIA SHELLESS BRINE SHRIMP EGGS 60ml on eBay (end time 21-Mar-10 09:07:28 GMT)) etc.

I was just wondering how to harvest the brine shrimp for the axies so I don't get any salt into the container for the babies. Someone mentioned before sucking up the brine shrimp with a baster and then squirting them into salt free dechlorinated water, then sucking them up again and then into the container. Is this method fine or are there some better ways?
I use a turkey baster to take the shrimp out of the hatchery, then, squirt it through a hankerchief, fill the baster with water from the tank and squirt the water at the shrimp in the hankerchief, then touch the water with the hankercheif and all shrimp will be released, into the baby tank.
I do the transferring from bowl to tub to rinse then into the babies method.
I think mine have a got about a week still left, will start my brine shrimp at the weekend.

The brine shrimp seems to be hatching slowly but getting there. The axies are still in their eggs but they look big enough to hatch soon. When they are near hatching do they go back to not moving as much? They don't seem to be moving around in their eggs as much as they used to.
The brine shrimp can take up to 3 days to hatch.
Thing is after about 8 hours or so they lose most of the good stuff. (the good stuff is their yolk sac (think thats what its called))
So...if your baby brine is hatching quickly...which is great, you could leave off your next batch till your first axolotl hatches.
Your axolotl larvae still have some of their sac left and can do a day without food...although mine tend to eat within 24 hours.
Basically they wont starve to death if you dont feed them as soon as they hatch.

Its good to do a trial run now anyway. You can practise rinsing them etc and find a method to suit you as you will be doing it daily for the next month or so!

Oh and yeah my last batch just quit moving on me at one point and i thought they'd all died.....but all 31 hatched good. :D

They are definitely moving, if you watch log enough one will always move, but when I used to slightly tap the container always one moved, but not now. So yeah they had me worried that they might be dead but all is fine :p

I practiced filtering some brine shrimp through some kitchen roll, it worked fine but was very time consuming. Are there any better ways? I just wanna make sure there is no salt at all in the water at all.
I've never tried filtering just rinsing. I'm sure there will still be some salt residue from mine, very watered down. I dont think traces of salt will harm the larvae just not mass amounts.

Can you see their gills now? I've took loadsa dodgy pics of mine this time round because my camera phone is a bit better than the last one lol.

lol yeah you can, All I have is my iPhone and the camera isn't great but as soon as they hatch I will take pics. I'll just rinse them in water then, do you shine a light on the bowl to cluster them together at all? All I have is a maglight which is a bit too big, might take a trip to pound land to buy a small torch if that's the case lol
I empty mine into a white bowl and syphon off the orange clouds. Then into fresh water in a small tub, then just grab the ones that move lol.
A torch or a lamp would work though, to get the hatchers to the light.

Remember to hatch new baby brine shrimp every day, because the shrimp will die soon after they hatch. I just add more eggs every day, and I do a total water change for the brine shrimp every 3-4 days.
I've started a new batch today, and I've fed the babies what was left of the shrimp and walter worms. They seem to be going quite mad over the worms :)
Hey guys, bit of an EMERGENCY. I just came home to find two of the five hatched not very responsive and one that was floating belly up but trying to stable its self. I have done a 100% water change and put them in the fridge for tonight. I have been feeding them today what was left of the baby brine shrimp and walter worms. Could they have just eaten too much or maybe foul water? I have doing partial water changes but not 100% ones yet as they have only hatched, and I have tried to suck up what dead food I can.
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