Of all the Axolotl keepers on this forum why had no one suggested refrigeration? That is a commonly used technique to quall an infection... Basically the cool down doesn't allow the infection to spread or worsen. I think the amputation and cleansing treatments saved the frog, but this was a drastic and deformative way of addressing the issue. Had I been in the same position, the last thing I would have done was probe and remove the sore intrusively... I am not trying to say that the life wasn't saved, and for your courage to cut a half leg off wasn't a hard decision, what I am saying is I am amazed no one suggested this... All the cleansing in conjuction with a refrigerated cool down likely may have saved the foot. In regards to the bone regeneration, it is remarkable, however, bone is bone. Has the frog grown in general size since the amputation? I see no musculature, or skin regrowth... Leading me to think it is the skeletal structure growing, and not a true regeneration... I truly hope for the best and a long and happy life for the frog in question.
Some thoughts...