would it be possible to keep african clawed frogs and mossy frogs together?? to quote Robin a guest here talking about mixing species "and I understand the most conservative view says never mix anything, but I would like to take some calculated risks, if there's a reasonable chance that it would work. I'd like some well-informed opinions, please.
" this is how it looks in my head 55 gallon already set up tank full (of water) with african clawed frogs ,now enter in a "topper" of same size made out of wood and/or plexiglass on top of the aformentioned 55 gallon and some mossy frogs as well as hiding spots, outcropings ,plants ,and floating areas of course. yes there would be issues about closing the tank off well enough for the mossy frogs not to get out and alowing for the filter that hangs off the back but if i could make the housing work do you think the adult mossy frogs and adult male ACF's live together with minimal risk ?? i hope no ones bothered by my rambling because while no i dont have the money to do all this now but if its possible i could start saving and planning thank you for your time also please see "swollen finger" thread started by me as i need help with that issue for my ACF