Abuse of the Rep system

I will miss Kaini too, she has been very patient and knowledgeable, especially when it comes to questions about cycling. She is truly an asset to this forum.
There is a handful of people who i truly appreciate the advice they give, kaini being one of them.

The rep system really isnt what frustrates me the most. It is when somebody posts a question, a serious question ie. their axolotl is very sick. And Say I post the best(to my ability) to explain to them in detail what they NEED to do to get their axie back to health, and somebody, who maybe has posted 10times, comes and tells them incorrect information, but since their answer seems way easier then what I told them to do(helping a sick axolotl is NOT easy!!) they tell the other person "thank you so much I will do that" and completely ignore what I said. that has nothing to do with my rep, but the information that I provided.

Kaini, ignore the people who say you are rude, you are couragous, because Maybe if I were more adamant about what I am saying more people would listen to me. Sometimes people nee tough love to help them! I wish people would realise this! If it is common knowledge then why do people ignore it? Kaini it is nothing against you, it is their ignorance. You are a great asset and frankly i think you have more patience then a lot of us! Haha! Sometimes I just face palm and move on, but you keep trying to help them
One thing I don't like about the rep system is that some give good, bad or neutral rep

Is there such a thing as neutral rep? I have never seen any on the place where you give rep. I just assume that its the mods giving/taking away rep on things that aren't deserving of good or bad rep. Its happened to me. Hmm....
It´s not neutral rep and it definitely is not mods taking away anything. The grey rep dots are rep given by people with no rep power. Basically they have no points to give so when they try to give it shows as neutral. You can usually tell by the comment that the intention was to give good rep so you can certainly appreciate the gesture even if it adds no points to your count.
It´s not neutral rep and it definitely is not mods taking away anything. The grey rep dots are rep given by people with no rep power. Basically they have no points to give so when they try to give it shows as neutral. You can usually tell by the comment that the intention was to give good rep so you can certainly appreciate the gesture even if it adds no points to your count.

I did not know that. It just showed up in my CP and I wondered what neutral really was. Unfortunately I guess I will not know whether it was intended to be positive or negative though as no comment at all was left. But good to know that is what neutral is :)
I only have 1 green ball as rep and I know just as much or more than the mod's here.I've been keeping caudates off and on for nearly 16 years.I just don't post much.I think it's really sad to worry about rep balls and focus more on the amphibians care.

I said the "L" word (in relation to people from Britain). In my circles it was a fine word to say, and introduced to us by a guy who was born and lived in London most of his life (go figure).

I was accused of being racist in rep comments by using the "L" word. The second time, it was when I explained why I did so, why I will not use it on here again, apologized, and emphasized that it's not a racist term (prejudiced for some, but certainly not a racial thing). That got me the second negative. :)

23rd December 2013 09:29 Mike apologized for the offense which got him negative rep; he is a good keeper who generally gives good advice, and I feel that his reputation has been unfairly tarnished
N/A 23rd December 2013 04:01 No need for negatives when you've done nothing wrong :/
N/A 23rd December 2013 00:43 Limeys IS racist
N/A 22nd December 2013 13:11 rascist comment
I got an inappropriate language infraction from John for something I didn't think was inappropriate. I do understand how it could have been offensive to some. I got over it. Rep is usually given because of good advice or insight and often taken away for bad advice.

I get tired of talkative people who don't have expertise or much experience giving a lot of advice. It is hard to pick out the good advice with all of the bad advice.
I'm new to this forum but have been on many others. The rep system honestly seems pointless to me just for the fact that many other forums don't have one and they do just fine. It only seems to be a source for members to personally attack one another. If you think the rep system is beneficial by telling new members who to trust and take advice from I can tell you that in the 5+ hours I have been scrolling through this site I have learned more about the most active members than any rep system could ever do.
If nothing else, the rep system keeps the areas of the site that people may use for guidance free from poor/incorrect advice. The alternative of letting everyone post everywhere straight away would mean hours of deleting or moving posts/threads to the appropriate section for the mods. I'm sure many people visit the site occasionally for info or guidance without ever posting in the forum, and take what's written in the advanced sections as fact, so those areas need to be as free from junk or nonsense text speak and as correct as possible. As things stand the rep system means nobody can post in those sections until they have shown that they are knowledgeable enough about the subjects and capable of stringing a coherent sentence together.
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I use the site a lot but seldom post.. I was unaware of the rep system until now and used good judgement and nouse to filter out the good from the what I consider dubious. I do have a couple of light hearted rules that I follow though and these are open to interpretation a number of ways.

The best thing to do with good advice is pass it on, because it is seldom any good to ones self,


Never trust any one who says trust me.
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