There is a handful of people who i truly appreciate the advice they give, kaini being one of them.
The rep system really isnt what frustrates me the most. It is when somebody posts a question, a serious question ie. their axolotl is very sick. And Say I post the best(to my ability) to explain to them in detail what they NEED to do to get their axie back to health, and somebody, who maybe has posted 10times, comes and tells them incorrect information, but since their answer seems way easier then what I told them to do(helping a sick axolotl is NOT easy!!) they tell the other person "thank you so much I will do that" and completely ignore what I said. that has nothing to do with my rep, but the information that I provided.
Kaini, ignore the people who say you are rude, you are couragous, because Maybe if I were more adamant about what I am saying more people would listen to me. Sometimes people nee tough love to help them! I wish people would realise this! If it is common knowledge then why do people ignore it? Kaini it is nothing against you, it is their ignorance. You are a great asset and frankly i think you have more patience then a lot of us! Haha! Sometimes I just face palm and move on, but you keep trying to help them