Wow, wow...where does all the fuss come from? I didn´t, in the slightest, mean to offend anyone. Although i have to say i haven´t had a siesta in years
It´s not about americans being lazy...i never said that at all. It´s about the observation of the fact that in the US, the more commonly bred species are not native (except axolotls which are american). In europe, among the most commonly bred ones there are plenty of native species.
I think it´s an interesting fact.
It´s generally agreed that many, many genera of US native caudates are very hard to breed...but we are seeing in recent years that they are being bred more and more (funnily enough, in europe for the most part). Some users like Justin, have reported succesful breedings of traditionally "impossible" species, and not surprisingly their technics are nothing fancy, just based on good observation and understanding of the animal´s nature.
I don´t think it´s fair to say that the reason for this is that US species are harder to breed and keep. There are hard species everywhere..i mean look at some Tylototriton, look at Pachytriton, some Salamandra, Hynobius, Chioglossa....
If Notophthalmus are difficult, Lissotriton are nothing sort.
I think this is all related....There is little breeding of native species, therefore many remain "unexplored" and automatically considered impossible or extremely difficult. If there was a bigger effort in breeding native species, many of those impossibles would probably turn out to be rather easy.
I´m not saying the fact that there is little breeding of your native species is bad or wrong in any way. I just think it´s really curious. There are several factors that contribute to the differences between Europe and the US, and i would say the bigger one is the fact that we have been left with little wilderness after all the historical over-population and over-exploitation, which means that all species are protected and very apreciated by those interested. The US has a lot of wilderness....many species are not endangered at all, and so the interest or need to focus on native species is much less pressing.
Anyway, i just think it´s funny. We are fascinated by your caudates, and you are fascinated by ours or the asian species. Mind you, it´s only normal to be interested in the exotic.