20L Stream Terrarium

Really inspirational, thanks for sharing! :)


Thanks Paul, It's been really fun!

Looks like a nice project!
But is it a 20Liters or 20Gallons terrarium? Cause you wrote 20L on the title.

It's a 20 Gallon Long terrarium. When I was looking up the dimensions online it seemed like they were usually listed as 20L, but I see how the title of the thread is misleading. Maybe I can change it?
It looks amazing! Maybe you can post pictures of your salamanders living in your terrarium?
So much more interesting than my tank. Maybe one day! Thanks for the inspiration.
It looks amazing! Maybe you can post pictures of your salamanders living in your terrarium?

Thanks Scorpion. I'll take some pictures soon. I ended up leaving the eft in my 10 gallon and adding the two stream salamanders to the tank along with two Plethodon shermani. Except for the Eurycea, who just disappears for long periods, they all seem to have found a burrow that they like and seem to be getting along fine. Unfortunately, none of them are very active so I usually have to wait until they get hungry and start walking around the tank before I really get to see them.

So much more interesting than my tank. Maybe one day! Thanks for the inspiration.

Thanks gulfcoasttoad. I will add some pictures with the water running soon. When I tried before the flash hitting the water was messing things up.
Here are a few recent pictures of my salamanders. Sorry if they're a little blurry. The eft is in a different tank but was out and about when I was finally able to get pictures of the ocoee and red-legged salamanders.


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They're not blurry at all. In fact, I wish I had a camera that took good pictures like that.. Anyway, your salamanders appear to be enjoying their new habitat! :)
...and here's the last one! I guess he finally got hungry and showed himself.


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I am so jealous of you having that supernice Plethodon (what is it, shermani?) ...
I don't get crazy with species mixing like some but your Two-Lined is at risk to be eaten by the Dusky salamander or atleast becoming shorter when it eats it tail,
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I am so jealous of you having that supernice Plethodon (what is it, shermani?) ...

It is a shermani. She likes to sit in a little burrow next to the fake rock over the pump.

I don't get crazy with species mixing like some but your Two-Lined is at risk to be eaten by the Dusky salamander or atleast becoming shorter when it eats it tail,

I was originally worried about those two salamanders together, but they have lived together for over two years now without an issue. I hope that by only having four fairly small salamanders in a 20 gallon tank that they will not bother each other too much. I know some people don't like species mixing, but two of the same species can be very aggressive as well. I just try to make sure that I don't have too many salamanders together and keep them well fed. So far they have been fine.
Just so long as they live in similar conditions, are of similar sizes, and are well fed, I'm sure it's fine. :)
Wow thats awesome. I am working on my second stream vivarium. My first was ok but this one will be much cooler. I will post some pics soon if I can figure out how.
PS--wonderful setup! It is just beautiful. You gave me some great ideas, too. Thanks for sharing all of your hard work.
Hello PS,

That's a fantastic set up, considering it was an experiment it turned out great! Well done. :happy:

How is the set up doing now though, has there been any difference or has anything gone wrong? It's just im hoping to do a similar water section/stream for my T.kweichowensis (with a lot of modifications for the species).

So any information would be a great help.

Just browsing through the forum and saw this. Very nicely done.
It looks like you took 2 Square feet of the NC foot hills and put it in a tank. :D
It seems challenging to clean though.
This is so great, i would love to make something similar. :cool:
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