1st time Grandpa

A few words of advice, subject to other experts here of course. I treat early eggs with a touch of nox ich - methylene blue - it's copper based, but the eggs seem to tolerate it well and I've never had any fugus issues during egg development. I hit the eggs with it once early on, then do water changes so by the time they hatch it's gone. Just make sure to use a low dose, suitable for scale-less fish. You're doing good on the water changes, that's critical - baby axies are incredibly vulnerable to ammonia spikes, you can lose an entire batch in a few hours if you're not careful. I usually run several cultures of brine shrimp larvae to make sure you've got food. Once they grow for a few weeks you can try other foods such as grindal worms, if you can find a good culture to get started with. If you keep a culture of artemia going for a while you can hit them up with a little chlorella powder and they'll grow, older axolotl larvae can eat these but newly hatched larvae can't. Good luck!

Started segregating by size.

Removed adults from eggs and going to try leaving them hatch in that environment to see if better hatchability rates (gentle flow of water, airstones, air flow over top of tank) plus did order some methylene blue. (ty!) Started 2nd culture of brine and daphnia culture seems to be holding stable.
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