Horrible news, one of my little guys didnt make it through the night. I think he got stuck in a corner and couldnt find the surface. Im beyond sad and frustrated. Im switching to a half and half set up today.
You wouldn't switch them even though one drowned ? I don't know how old they are and don't know if they can be aquatic. I think one got stuck between the tank and a few rocks which is why he passed most likely. I just want my little guys to be ok.
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost one of your little guys. It could be that something else was going on with him. I lost one of mine when i first got my newts - there was no apparent reason and he was in quarantine in shallow water.
All i can suggest is to get tons of plants so the newt can climb them to the top if necessary and hang out up there, the floating cork bark is a good idea as well. One of mine stayed on the bark until he was ready to go in the water, which took a while, but he is doing great in the water now. Sometimes they're just not ready, but they will usually let you know by staying on whatever floats at the top of the water...
Ive done plenty research. I just found this website and am getting accustomed to it. I just like to get answers from these forums directly becasue you guys have 1st hand experience instead of just passing along the same old tired info and care sheets. Ive read care sheet after care sheet but some questions are left unanswered.
Hi, I had to check my note book about our first hypselotriton orientalis. So, when it arrived, it was 5 cm (that's about 2 inches I think) long, an adult male which they just didn't know in the pet store. Like mentioned here earlier, all you need to know now is already here on this thread Just stay calm, do needed procedures as peaceful as you can and let them settle in. I've written in my notebook that "Pikku" (= Little) was on it's own for over a month. We had it in a quiet, shallow aquatic setup with one land area and plants and let it be there, just feeding and cleaning. No handling or such (and also the room was "quiet" even with three kids you sometimes wouldn't believe that's possible). It took many weeks to get it used to hands dropping in food, but eventually it did. So, patience