Over the last few days I've been working on a new tank for my I. a apuanus juveniles. I wanted to give the plants some proper substrate to grow in, but also an area where I can feed the newts and easily clean up without disturbing the plants, so I split the tank 60/40 along its length with a divider that I decorated with bits of slate. This gives me a good amount of organic compost topped with play sand for the plants and a clear area with just sand at the front for feeding, although I might remove the sand from the front and leave it bare depending on how I get on with it.
I planted it with Hornwort, Rotala, Vallisnaria and Java ferns, they look a bit sorry for themselves at the moment, but hopefully they will fill out over the next few weeks and the tank will be as green as 'Castle pyrrho' next door.
I'm really pleased with the slate covered divider, if the tank was a bit bigger I think I would have decorated the back glass with them as well, but the tank isn't huge so I just bought a stick on background, that way I can maximise the amount of water in there.