FYI: LEECHES---The Ultimate Axie Food!


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Jul 26, 2012
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Minnesota, U.S.A.
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I just had an analysis done on leeches. (not blood suckers) Look at this awesome results. I really like these critters.....Just drop them in the water and walk away. Axies love them!!!
13-F18994 Product Name: LEECHES #1

Moisture 0 88.32 N/A % AOAC 930.15 13 Jun 13
Ash 0.71 6.08 % AOAC 942.05 14 Jun 13
Protein N x 6.25 9.97 85.36 % AOAC 990.03 13 Jun 13
Fat, Pet Ether 0.50 4.28 % AOAC 945.16 14 Jun 13
Dry Matter 11.68 N/A % Calculated 13 Jun 13

Protein 85.36% and fat 4.28%.....looks like a prime food. What do you think?
What if it latches on for some reason and takes some slime coat? Very interesting, though.
They don't. Not blood suckers. Hey neighbor. I am right below you in Minnesota. I know you guys have leeches up there. Let me know!
The majority of leech species are free-living non-parasitic animals. Quite suitable for caudate food. Their protein:fat ratio is excellent. I only wish there were some data on calcium content. Without that, I'd hesitate to call them the "ultimate" axie food:rolleyes:
I've had non-parasitoids latch onto me before..... No damage, but I see it as being possible for delicate axie skin... Just a thought.
Nope they don't. Ball up in the corners making it easy for the Axies to catch. No water fouling....just drop them in and let the Axies enjoy.
I have leeches in many of my tanks as a food source. I introduced them on the advice of Julia and Ed Moyer, they knew I had a phobia about them and I am now scared to put my hands in most of my tanks..... thanks for that guys. I have learnt some interesting things by having them though, axolotls love them, most of them dont suck blood, some eat whiteworm and you cant stamp them to death with bare feet so put some boots on when you feel the need to rid the world of a few of the little gits.
I've had leeches appear in my frog cage (probally from eggs attatched to the driftwood) and found that the frog would accept them from tweezers.
I would be a bit cautious about putting them in a tank with driftwood, rocks, etc., but I can see them being used in bare tanks.
It would be interesting to have an identification key to make sure that we got a good type of leeches to feed our animals with.
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