Home Made Frozen Food


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Oct 18, 2010
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I have been considering making a home made staple diet for my axolotl with all the essentials but withoutthe necessity to manage live foods... I believe if I boil 500g of earthworms, 150g of bloodworms, 50g of mealworms, 50g of beef heart, 50g of daphnia, 50g of chicken, 50g of shrimp and around 100g of vegetables (lettuce, carrot, corn and peas) then blended it with some gelatin or agar then froze it in ice cube trays this would provide an excellent all round, staple diet that can be grabbed from the freezer... The only things I was wondering about is a) whether the vegetables are necessary, b) whether the gelatin is dangerous, c) whether the taste will be accepted by the axies and d) whether there are any vitamins or minerals I should add in powder form?
Boiling earthworms , daphnia and blood worms will probably lead to a ghastly mess, and I would suspect most of the nutrition will be lost. The rest of the ingredients are not advised as a staple part of the diet, especially the vegetables.
As you know live earthworms are the best food for your axolotl. Winter time, I order in my supply, and they live in a secure worm bin under my stairs ( it stays cool).
Thank you! This is what I wanted!!
On the idea of keeping earthworms I have found that the best way to keep them is to buy one of the medium sized plastic tanks with a fitted lid you can buy in this country about 10 pounds. Called a small fish tank or amphibian home. As the details are in lots of languages guess available in numerous countries.

Then dig a chunk of earth and grass from a safe spot that has not had any chemicals on it preferably the garden where you have tipped water previously. Here if lucky you will also gain a pile of worms already in tact. Put this in the tank and lay a small amount of either jacket potato or mashed without any salt add to the potato on the surface. The worms will live quite happy in this enviroment and you will find them under the potato eating it . If you need to buy worms they will also live happy in this. One thing you will need to do is to give the soil a fine mist spray each day so it does not all dry out. I keep mine in the bottom shelf in the spare room so no fear of freezing. Each day you can take out the desired worms and just wash them off to remove the soil preferably in rainwater before feeding to the Axolotls. Once on worms they will live quite happy as this time of the year I cannot find the mostiqo lava they also enjoy.
Just don't let your wife/mother/significant other catch you filling the blender with various echinoderms and crustacea...I made that mistake. Trust me when I say that is messier than actually making the goop.
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  • gemmie:
    Hello I've been looking into axolotls and wasn't sure if it was even legal to get a pet one in Australia
    gemmie: Hello I've been looking into axolotls and wasn't sure if it was even legal to get a pet one in... +1