Stipe, that's not a freak mutation. That's an incomplete amputation causing stem cell stimulation and regrowth.
Breakdown of axolotl genetics: D/x = dark, whether or not the color cells migrate off the neural crest. A/x = albino genes, a/a being albino, meaning no melanophores develop. M/x = iridophore development, m/m is melanoid, the lack of iridophore development. Ax/x = xanthophore development, ax/ax = the lack of xanthophores, meaning they have no yellow. Axanthic axolotls are extremely weak and rarely live past a few days of hatching.
All the color genes are completely independent. That is, they're all inherited differently, and are not linked to each other in any way.
If you don't know the genotype of the parents, there's no way of telling what colors of offspring you'll have. I know that my 2 adult wildtype males are possibly recessive for melanoid, as their brother is a melanoid. I know my 1 wildtype juvenile is possibly recessive for leucistic (his momma was leucistic), and recessive for melanoid, as his sibling is melanoid, and probably recessive for axanthic, as I had one hatch quite dark, very blue, and die a few days after hatching.. So I know for sure I have 2 adult males at: D/x, M/x, A/x, AX/x, who are probably D/D, M/m, A/A, AX/AX. I have 1 adult male who is D/x, m/m, A/x, AX/x, who is probably D/D, m/m, A/A, AX/AX (as all 3 of my adult males are siblings).
I have one juvenile who is D/d, M/x, A/x, AX/ax (I know he is D/d because his mother was leucistic, and he is probably M/m since his sibling is melanoid, and probably AX/ax as one sibling was a probably axanthic) and one juvenile who is D/d, m/m, A/x, AX/ax (again, because I know the mother was leucistic, and it is melanoid, and one sibling was a probably axanthic). Now, if you understand that, you're a real nerd.
I had 8 juveniles hatched in March, and I finally got rid of the last ones in November, and I still had to keep 2! That was just 8 juveniles, I couldn't imagine trying to get rid of 200+.
(Message edited by Joan on February 05, 2006)