Worried about Japanese Firebellied Newt - Gravid?


Jun 24, 2008
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United States
Any information you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Tuffie is a great newt surviving after I purchased her emaciated. The second one that I purchased with her did not make it.

I think she is gravid at the present time. The only thing I can think of is that I had put a Paddle Tail in with her for several days before separating them. Does anyone know what will happen? I hope she is OK. She is not eating well and very large in the belly.

Perphaps a new species Japanese Paddle Tail ????

WORRIED ABOUT HER :( ! Has this happened to any one elses female newt?
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Re: Adult Male Japanese Fire-Bellied Newt Wanted

Chances are that she is not gravid. Only closely related species can interbreed, thus it is impossible for Pachytriton and Cynops to do so. She could just be chubby or it could be a more serious condition known as bloat. Is her whole body enlarged or just the belly?

Your first topic is not appropriate for this section and should instead be posted in the wanted section of the forum.
Kathleen, I've removed your wanted ad and changed the thread title. Please post your wanted ad in the relevant section.
Many thanks,

PS. If you can post a photo of the newt in question we can probably give you a better idea of what's up.
Mark, Thank you for changing my wanted ad. I am so new. I am screwing up left and right. I appreciate your help.

I do not know how to post a photo.

Nathan, She does not have bloat. I've been there. It was so awful I cried.
I do not know how to post a photo.

Nathan, She does not have bloat. I've been there. It was so awful I cried.

One of the moderators, Abrahm, has kindly posted a tutorial on how to upload photos in the forum questions section of the forum. It is near the top location wise.

If you don't think she has bloat, she may just be chubby. I'd wait a few days and if things don't get better post more info.
I have six fire-bellied newts that are all gravid. How long do they suffe? It seems like forever. You can see the pain they feel when the jerk their limps and literally lift up all fours.

My Japanese newt is doing the same. I KNOW she is gravid. She is not chubby; she has not eaten much at all in weeks which is NOT like her. The fire-bellied newts are doing the same.
Being gravid isn't painful. They shouldn't be jerking, and they shouldn't be so big that they can't touch the floor.
How long have you thought the Japanese was gravid? Also, pictures of the newt in question would be really helpful.
I have six fire-bellied newts that are all gravid. How long do they suffe? It seems like forever. You can see the pain they feel when the jerk their limps and literally lift up all fours.
Can you explain what you mean? Are the newts living in water or on land? If they are gravid, I would expect them to stay 100% in the water, so "lifting up on all fours" doesn't seem to correspond to anything I've observed with gravid newts.
I have six fire-bellied newts that are all gravid. How long do they suffe? It seems like forever. You can see the pain they feel when the jerk their limps and literally lift up all fours.

My Japanese newt is doing the same. I KNOW she is gravid. She is not chubby; she has not eaten much at all in weeks which is NOT like her. The fire-bellied newts are doing the same.

If all your newts are displaying the same symptoms, seem to be in pain and are demonstrating unusual behaviour then I would suggest they're not just gravid, is it possible you have mis-diagnosed?
Being gravid should not be painfull and should not really impede movement. Pictures may help.
I KNOW she is gravid. She is not chubby; she has not eaten much at all in weeks which is NOT like her. The fire-bellied newts are doing the same.

In my experience this is not normal. Failure to feed is often a sign of stress or illness - not being gravid. A newt that is investing nutrients in egg creation is unlikely to stop feeding...

In reference to your query about the wanted ad - the wanted section can be found here http://www.caudata.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=70
Just start a new thread to submit an ad.

Do you have digital photos of the newts? If you don't feel confident uploading them email them to me and I'll display them for you: aartse_tuyn [at] hotmail.com
Attached are Kathleen's photos. In my opinion the newt is not bloated. It could be gravid, although it may just be well fed. I have male Cynops who have bigger abdomens than that :).

It's a Warty Newt from China, not Japanese Firebellied newt - Paramesotriton hongkongensis at a guess.


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I agree - a nicely plump warty newt.

How long have you had your newts? To explain their non-eating, I would suggest that they were underfed before you got them, and now they have reached the stage where they are plump and don't need to eat as much as they did before.
Can you explain what you mean? Are the newts living in water or on land? If they are gravid, I would expect them to stay 100% in the water, so "lifting up on all fours" doesn't seem to correspond to anything I've observed with gravid newts.

I did not mean the newts literally lift above water. When they experience pain, they jump up quickly. Sometimes their tails bend or one of their limbs jerk quickly.
I do not think its bloat either. My 23 year old female is fatter then yours an has always been fat. She has obviously been gravid many, many time although in these later years I never witness her lying eggs--you know how they grab plants by their feet when depositing eggs? Actually in your one photo--this appears that your newt is virtually in this egg laying position. On a seperate note, your tank looks fun and colorful but I'd be careful having anything other then 100 percent natural items and /or only things made especially for aquatic aquariums. Everday plastic--rubber--painted etc. etc. is not a good idea in my mind--I believe toxins leach out sooner or later. Also, my newts all get a bit sluggish and aren't nearly as enthusiatic in eating when weather is especially warm. The female newt I mention is named "Cufflette" Her father "Cuff " is still doing perfectly well and he will be 39 on September 30.
The female newt I mention is named "Cufflette" Her father "Cuff " is still doing perfectly well and he will be 39 on September 30.
:dizzy: You have a 39 year old newt?!?!? That's incredible!
One of the moderators, Abrahm, has kindly posted a tutorial on how to upload photos in the forum questions section of the forum. It is near the top location wise.

If you don't think she has bloat, she may just be chubby. I'd wait a few days and if things don't get better post more info.

Thank you Abrahm. That was very kind of you!
I do not think its bloat either. My 23 year old female is fatter then yours an has always been fat. She has obviously been gravid many, many time although in these later years I never witness her lying eggs--you know how they grab plants by their feet when depositing eggs? Actually in your one photo--this appears that your newt is virtually in this egg laying position. On a seperate note, your tank looks fun and colorful but I'd be careful having anything other then 100 percent natural items and /or only things made especially for aquatic aquariums. Everday plastic--rubber--painted etc. etc. is not a good idea in my mind--I believe toxins leach out sooner or later. Also, my newts all get a bit sluggish and aren't nearly as enthusiatic in eating when weather is especially warm. The female newt I mention is named "Cufflette" Her father "Cuff " is still doing perfectly well and he will be 39 on September 30.

39 years! I will have to make a "living" will!
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