They suddenly appeared after I got my second axolotl, well I'd never noticed them before that anyway. I know excactly what you mean when you say that they are so anoying and that you are getting mad!!!! I was ready to throw the whole tank out - axi's and all!!!
No matter how many times I cleaned the tank they always came back! There were soooooo many - hundreds of thousands and then some more!!!!
I finally got rid of them - i'll tell you what I did each time and you might be able to work somthing out.
Ok, when I first found them I just left them cause there were only a few and I wasn't too worried. But then about 3 days later there were so many all over the glass and plants and stuff, even on the axolotls, so I took the axi's out and put them in a clean bucket with clean water. Then I just rinsed all the gravel and plants and washed the glass with really hot water and left it all set up, without water and axi's in the hot sun for a whole day. Then put fresh, clean water and the axi's back in. This didn't work, cause they came back after a day or so!!!
I did exactly the same thing again - but this time as soon as I noticed them (get them why there arn't many, well so I thought!!!) Didn't work - they came back almost as soon as I put new water in the tank!
I then did a really good clean out and scrubed and scrubed and scrubed everything!!!! THE BUGGERS CAME BACK!
Ok, well I had to do somthing different this time cause I was getting so mad at them - and myself cause nothing I did worked!! I did numrous water changes and full clean outs before I thought of this one.
I got some Condies Crystals (Potassium Permanganate B.P.) from the chemist - just ask them - they will know what it is. I was told that it will clean the glass really well. It is fine little dark purple crystals, and I took the axi's out (make sure you do this cause it will probably make them sick if not kill them) and left the whole set up going - filter and airstone, and I left it like that for a day. Don't use much of the crystals, just enough to make the water go pink/light purple, only a small pinch - and use a spoon or wear gloves cause it will stain you skin brown and I mean STAIN for days!!!!!!! Don't worry if the water turns brown after a bit - this is just what it does.
Ok, so then I took everything out and rinsed it in hot water, then I got a huge cooking pot and boiled salty water and put the gravel and pebbles and plastic plants in it and boiled the <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> out of it!!!! I had one real plant - which I thew out at this point. I have a sponge filter - so I replaced all the sponge and charcole and boiled the plastice bits, I also threw out the old tubing in the tank and the airstone and got new ones. I got enough water to fill the tank and boiled it too and waited for it to cool a bit then set up the tank and put the hot water in it. I then waited almost all day for it to get back down to room temp.
I had seen some of the worms on the axolotls before so I didn't want to put them back in their tank and have these little pests breed again!!! So I got 2 buckets - one already had the axi's in it. I filled the other bucket with clean water and picked the axis up and put them in it - I didn't transfer any of the water - then I cleaned out the bucket they had just come from and filled it with clean water and transferred them again - I did this several times (it might be a bit stressful - some would say dangerous for the animals - but I didn't know how dangerous these worms were and if they were causing them any discomfort - so I think it was nessary. Then finally I put them back in their tank and for the next week or so I did a 70-80% water change every day and fed the axi's in anoter tank.
It must have worked cause they havn't come back again and that was over 6 months ago. But I do a full clean out once a month or so, that is boil the gravel and plastic - scrub the glass and everything I said previously except I havn't used the Condies Crystals again because I found
that they stained the gravel slightly.
Anyway, it was drastic but it worked and my axi's are fine, so I hope this helps!!!!