While looking close at my Necturus setup today I noticed THOUSANDS of small worm like things all in the tank.There are also alot of those small black snails in the tank but I dont mind them to much. Unfortunatly I went against my usual procedure when setting this tank up and did not boil the large rocks. They had some algae on them and a slime coating that I figured would be beneficial to getting my tank cycled. The creek they came from is a mudpuppy habitat so I figured whatever organism were present would have no ill effect on the Necturus. Fortunatly nothing but the snails are living in there now so I am safe. Just wondering if I am going to have to drain the tank and start over. The worm like things dont appear to move but I actually saw a few attached to a small snails shell. Could they be snail eggs? If they are then I am about to have problems!
<font size="-2"><font color="ff0000">(added spaces between photos -- TJ)</font></font>
(Message edited by tj on October 05, 2005)
<font size="-2"><font color="ff0000">(added spaces between photos -- TJ)</font></font>
(Message edited by tj on October 05, 2005)