Wondering abut plant names



I am back yet again to ask more questions.

So far in our tank we have had mainly fake plants, with java moss attached to a log.

We are keen to research, then look for some more real plants now that everything else is sorted and settled.

What type of plants do people have, and how/where does it live in your tank? The main plants we were thinking of having, are some free canopy type plants to sit in the top of the tank. What are the best to get?

If this is important, we have a sand bottom.

Also, just for interests sake, I have seen some carpet type plants in other people's tanks. What are they called? Would having this in sand create dead spots of sand?

PS sorry for the title mis-spell

(Message edited by j03y on April 17, 2007)
there are at least two almost recent posts I made about differnt plants one can use in a coldwater/axolotl setup. I dont remember what I listed, do a seach in the axo forum, maybe i can find a link and paste the info in here. probably posted in here or the axie free for all. Good luck.

I don't recommend using Riccia as a carpet type plant for axolotl, its has to be tied down for one, and axolotl usually tears it up and most ends up floating.
Sorry I did use the search, but using the keywords I did (several times) I did not come up with the answers I needed. Oh unless you were the person who posted last night that had a huge tank with floaty plants.

Sorry. I have never had much success with this search facility.

Oh yeah. Would plants you get in the US be readily available in Aus?

About to run out, but will try again later today.

Yeah... I love the wonderful search function on here
good think i type in a plant name i remeber, well here is a repost of some plant stuff. Check the planted tank boards for images and detailed information in reguards to lighting, etc...

I took this out of my old post I did about plants:

There are many plants that can be kept with axolotl!
I will give you a list of cool water plants. You dont want tropicals because it is too cold for them and none of those terrestial plants that stores pass off as aquatic, we don't want any dead plants.
Here we go!

Valisneria spiralis
Lysimachia Nummularia (creeping jenny)
Sagittaria platypylla
Potamogeton crispus
Eleocharis parvula
Duckweed(really do not recommend this, it is soo invasive)
Hornwort (good at combating algae, fast grower)
Various aquatic mosses, such as java moss
Saururus cernuus
Riccia Fluitans
java fern

Plants NOT to buy that are often sold as aquatic:
anything that is a Dracaena, such as lucky bamboo, Caladium, Mondo grass, fountain plant

this is not a complete list, but a nice sampling of plants to keep with Mr. Axolotl!Remeber, plants need about 10-12 hours of light so make sure you have a light above your tank for healthy plants.
Thank you for all the info so far!

"Check the planted tank boards for images and detailed information in reguards to lighting, etc..."
Sorry, this is probably a really silly questions, but where do I find this?

Also thanks for the Riccia info too. As I said that was merely for interests sake. I know most rooted plants would be quickly torn up by my darling, alas why I am more interested in free canopy type plants, if possible.

Can't wait to get some nice real plants! But wow! now I don't know what to get. So many options. :)
there is always plantgeek.net, plantedtank.net, aquaticplantcentral.com, aquaticplantresources.net, aquariaplants.com
to name a few. Lots of pictures of peopples set up and most people know whats up. some have an area that is not a forum that deals with specific plant profiles.
here is a plant finder page http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/plantfinder/
I really suggest using this. It doesn't list all the plant in the world, but has a good search and information.

I really havn't had a problem with axolotls digging up rooted plants. They only tear up tied down plants. a few nice siez river stones placed on/arround a plants rootsytme is usually good enough to keep the plants in place until the roots grow out.
Some top plants or plants that can be used at the top/floating are ludwiga, salvinia, riccia, duckweed, hornwort, Azolla. I have some Golden Creeping Jenny as a floating plant right now.

Goodluck. It may be hard at first, but once you start, you will get a hang of it. I love real plants. First time i used a real plant, I was not smart and did not research and my plants died. A few years later, with more time and research, I have many many plants thriving. You will get the hang of it, and if it should fail your first round, don't let it get you down. Live plants really are a great addition.
Thanks again AnnMarie! Some of those websites were great!

Next: to do some research at local shops...

Oh and conveniently my next question has already been answered in the thread titled "toys". :)
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