Will un-bred female axie explode!!


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Jul 26, 2007
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Staten Island, NYC
United States
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I have an adult female albino axolotl who has become very heavy lately (I'm assuming with eggs). She has spent many nights swimming around (I guess looking for love) and I wonder what will happen if she doesn't breed.

I have a nice group of juveniles going now, so I will have a mate at some time (but not very soon). I'd appreciate any advice.

Thanks, Richard in Staten Island.
Don`t worry - they don`t explode;)
Healthy female axies will absorbe (I don`t know if this ist the right word, but I hope you understand what I mean) unlaid eggs.

Hi woodsman,

Callina is on the right track. Female axies are born with eggs. Eggs develop at different rates but at around sexual maturity (where toe tips turn dark or white respectively in light and dark axies) tend to undergo the most rapid development. Breeding stimulus will cause eggs to be deposited.

When female axies do not have breeding stimulus (nonconducive environmental condition or nutrition), eggs will not be laid. In order for the body to obtain the most nutrition, eggs can undergo resorption whereby nutrients are assimilated for growth, repair or daily energy requirments.

How are the females born with eggs?
So does the male not need to do anything??
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how are the females born with eggs?
so does the male not need to do anything??

Female axolotls are born with eggs in the same way that human females are born with all of their eggs. These eggs, however, are not fertilized yet. That's where the male comes in.

So does that mean a female axolotl won't lay if her eggs haven't been fertilised? or am I misunderstanding the breeding stimulus bit and she will spawn regardless?

Asking because my wife found eggs in our tank last night but we haven't noticed any spermatophore or what we thought to be courting... and we have only had our little monsters for just under a month so was not expecting anything yet.:eek: At least we know now that Peony is really a girl.

Eventually we want to breed, hence one of each gender, but we don't know if we have the time at the moment or are ready for the responsibility,.. and what if they don't like us when they grow up... and... :p


No, she will not lay unfertilized eggs.

Perhaps you should read the Axolotl.org and Caudata Culture Pages on Axolotls for more information.;)
Perhaps you should read the Axolotl.org and Caudata Culture Pages on Axolotls for more information.;)

Actually that is what confused me more, on the Axolotl.org page (http://www.axolotl.org/breeding.htm), under the Hatching Eggs heading, second paragraph it says "Assuming the eggs are fertile," so I was thinking maybe they lay eggs either way, I'm sure you can see how a newbie can get confused easily :rolleyes:

Anyway our panic was missed placed, as a friend visited (that knows more than we do) and turns out our eggs were snail eggs.... :eek:
We have a month old golden albino at the moment. The female albino laid her eggs over a couple of days and their were no signs of courtship. She laid about 20 and only one was fertilised. I think you have probably have just missed the mating.
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