Wild type x white albino: Are these larvae typical colour of wild type?

Green frog

New member
Jul 6, 2011
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New Zealand


this is what id expect wild type to look like.

all 3 above are from a white albino male x wild type/colour female ....

tia :D
The middle one for sure, and maybe the top one are leucistic.
That's cool then. From the mating I thought all the progeny would have been wild colour:ufo:

Anyone know if there is any chance that if these are bred together they will produce albinos, given the father was albino?

Or am I dreaming ...
its possible if the mother is carrying an albino gene
yeah, i'm not sure if they are indeed leucistics. I would have thought leucistic would be all white when young?. they don't look like wild type either ... could be wrong though?
its possible if the mother is carrying an albino gene
unlikely, unless gold albino counts? if so then that would be possible, as they're common-ish in NZ

there's literally only one may be two white albino axolotls in NZ, or at least that I am aware of/have seen in last 10 years. So would be neat to produce more. :p
Leucistics look like pale wildtypes when they first hatch. I've raised about a thousand.

If mum is a carrier of albino and dad is albino, 50% of the offspring will be albino. Whether they're golden (dominant) or white (recessive) again depends on the Leucistics gene. Leucistic albinos = white albinos.
Dad's a white albino, so he's a/a, d/d. Mum's a wildtype, but since you've got leucistic offspring, and no albino offspring, mum's A/A, D/d.

So your offspring will be 50% leucistic, 50% wildtype.

Unless you have more than just those 3 that you're not showing. But albino larvae are pretty obvious and easy to pick out from the wildtypes.

Now that I'm at work, that first one is a bit suspicious. Shine a torch at its eyes and see if there's a reflective, shiny ring.
I have about 25 larvae.

looking at them this morning, it looks to be about 50:50 leucistic to wild type.
just shined a torch on them, but all i can see is a little black dot for an eye.
no obvious red eyes that's for sure.

Person I got them off said the eggs laid were black and white, then developed into black eggs .. not sure if that means anything.
Was looking for a shiny ring, rather than red eyes. The first one looks like it could be melanoid.

Them being black/white has absolutely no bearing. That's just normal development.
some more pics. they all seem to have a shiny ring around the eye . . .



No melanoids then, bummer. See those yellow 'saddles' on pic 1 and 3? Those are pretty indicative of leucistics. They'll just stop developing color, and appear to get whiter and whiter.

Even if you didn't get albinos in this batch, half of your offspring will be carrying that gene, since dad is Albino. If you breed a Leucistic that is carrying the albino gene back to dad, you'll get 50% white albinos offspring.
I don't own the father unfortunately. Intention when acquiring these was me hoping there may be a chance of producing albinos by breeding these together, or possibly to a golden albino ...

Is there any chance the wildtypes can carry the albino gene?
I lied: All of your larvae carry the albino gene. If you breed your current larvae together, half of THEIR offspring will be albino.

If you breed leucistics together, half of their offspring will be leucistic, half will be white albino.

If you breed wildtypes together, it's a mixed bag. You should get 25% wildtype, 25% leucistic, 25%golden albino, 25% white albino. It depends on what recessive genes are carried.
to stick a spanner in the works. apparently there was a leucistic in the tank with the white albino male and wild type female. i think i got given most (if not all) of the clutch as seller didnt have time to raise them.

my head goes round and round when it comes to genetics :bowl:
albino frogs are just as confusing if not more though

edit: there's some pics of the white male albino here ....
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