I have a fire belly newt and toad that I got from a friend. For the first two weeks I left them in the tank they came with. They seemed fine...they cuddled, and ate. Then I bought a new glass tank, filter,and plastic plants. The old tank just had rocks and water. Now the newt just sits in the water by the filter. For the past 3 days he hasn't come up to eat. I'm getting worried, did I stress him out? What should I do?
I have a fire belly newt and toad that I got from a friend. For the first two weeks I left them in the tank they came with. They seemed fine...they cuddled, and ate. Then I bought a new glass tank, filter,and plastic plants. The old tank just had rocks and water. Now the newt just sits in the water by the filter. For the past 3 days he hasn't come up to eat. I'm getting worried, did I stress him out? What should I do?