Whiteish spot on my t.verrucosus


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Dec 9, 2010
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Hey all, I have a small Tylototriton verrucosus in a 60L tank and he seems to be doing quite well (had some trouble in a non-aquatic setup first). Only I'm a bit worried about the whitish spot he/she has near his hind limb. what could it be?

Do verrucosus sometimes show pigment discolouration like this, or could it be some sort of illness/infection? Any help and further info is appreciated!
Personally, that doesn't look like a typical discolouration. It looks to be like the beginning signs of a bacterial, or final sore. Especially since it is located in an area that these happen often, I would be very cautious.

Is say, take him out of the water, and place into a quarantine tank that has damp, sterile paper towel as substrate. Keep an eye on this area and look for sign of it getting larger and spreading.
Thanks for your replies.
The thing is, that I finally just got him moving into the water. I don't know if he/she already had the spot before entering the water, because he hardly moved. (maybe because of the spot hurting or something, when outside the water). He also didn't eat before, and now while being kept aquatic, finally does.
So if there's a different solution cause I'd rather not keep it terrestrially again, unless theres no other way.
Could I perhaps quarantine it aquatic? For example by keeping it in a smaller box but still within 22 degrees water? Also, what do I do to remove the spot or at least prevent it from spreading?

I'd keep a close eye on it as well. I had a strauchii who had a spot like that which quickly become a fuzzy infection. He passed it on to his tankmates, two of which are completely fine after a quarantine and treatment of Furan-2 and the other one who simply does not get better, nor worse. I've finally moved him to a dirt quarantine set-up after the salt-baths got rid of the fungus in hopes he can heal without it reappearing in a different environment.
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